35 || Map Room Mad

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Finished a couple chapters a while ago and just posted them now on my phone because my computer broke down. Sorry for the wait again, and enjoy!

TW: Post Traumatic Stress (of sorts)

It was Thomas. "(Y/N), wait. Please, let me explain!"

Almost as a defence mechanism, I slammed the door shut between us. His face caused flashbacks to flood through my mind. I tried to focus on anything else, even those stupid Maze memories that had been giving me a headache nonstop, but nothing got rid of the memories of that horrible event.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, somebody approaching down the hallway broke me out of my trance.

"(Y/N)? Did you... did you just go into my room?" The person was Newt.

"I wish I could say no." My eyes were watering as the wretched feeling of how helpless I had felt that evening filled my senses. The horrible sound my throat made as I tried so hard to scream rang in my ears.

"(Y/N), you have to listen to me. Don't yell for help, please. They'll kill him!"

"For good shucking reason! I don't care if you love him, Newt, his actions must have consequences."

"He didn't want to do it! Zart trapped him into doing it. Zart thought that it would seem genuine only with him because he's bisexual. Please, hear him out."

I took a sharp inhale, debating whether or not to scream, and Newt was looking at me like I had a bomb in my hand. After a long minute of tense silence, I finally formulated a decision on what to do and gained the courage to turn the doorknob and push the door open.

"Thomas." My feet stayed planted where I was. "Look me in the eye, and swear on your life that he forced you to do it."

His stare was so full of regret and self-hatred that I truly believed him when he said, "I swear on my life and soul, I didn't want to do any of it."

I broke the stare, looking down at my feet and taking a deep breath. "Fine, I believe you." I forced out.

"Oh, thank God, you forgive me. I have felt so horrible, I don't know how I could have lived with myself if-"

Sudden fury filled my veins at his arrogance. "Woah, woah. I didn't say I forgive you." I spat. "I said I believe you, so I won't start shouting for help for Newt's sake."

I found myself walking towards him and jabbing a finger at him. "You still had a choice, everyone always does. The one you made makes you a horrible person. Not only were you almost an accomplice to unspeakable things, but you hurt the person you claim to love the most!" I was inches away from his face, practically foaming at the mouth in anger.

"I will never forgive you, for as long as I live, because you would have gone through with helping those monsters defile me if you hadn't been stopped! That 'horrible feeling' you have is called guilt, and it's there for a reason. I hope you wallow in it for the rest of your life, you coward!"

He looked like he was on the verge of crying and I had to turn sharply on my heel and leave the room to keep from hitting him. Luckily, I ran into Gally just as he was leaving our room.

"What's going on?" His eyes flickered from me to Newt, who was still in the same place from when he'd first spoken to me.

"Nothing." Newt was quick to interject, reaching out and shutting his door before anyone else saw Thomas. Gally looked at me for my answer, clearly seeing by my face and the tense atmosphere that 'nothing' was not the true answer.

"Lets just go down to the bathrooms. I don't want to talk about it." I stated. Gally hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not it was a good idea to pry. He decided to trust my assessment, then gave a quick nod of understand, grabbed my hand and took us downstairs.

"You're okay?" He asked in what he tried to make a nonchalant voice, but he was clearly still stressed about it.

"Nobody got hurt." I answered, knowing that was his primary concern. He visibly relaxed a bit. "I think I'm okay. I will be. I'm just a little shaken. Did you know that I could snap at someone? Like full-on, digging up their weaknesses kind of thing?"

"You? Umm, no. You're not exactly a threatening person, and I've never seen you be too rude to anybody. But good for you, though. I bet they deserved it." He gave me a little smirk, and it made me smile. The adrenaline my body had gathered was dispersing, and his confidence in my judgement was reassuring my anxiety a lot.

We both got in and out the bathroom fairly quickly, then found Minho at the breakfast table. Breakfast was awkward after this morning's little incident, and Minho didn't dare to look at me once. I thought he was being overdramatic. He hadn't even seen anything too embarrassing, just legs.

The awkwardness only intensified when we were off on our own to work. I suggested that I try working in the Map Room to piece my thoughts together with some of the previous maps. Minho basically agreed with whatever I wanted, and Gally was just excited for me to be doing something that didn't involve me leaving the Glade.

It didn't take long for the whole floor of the Map Room to be coated in a blanket of papers as I tried lining up the past maps to what the Maze looked like in my memories. The outside Sectors were completely random, I knew, but there was some sort of pattern to them that I just couldn't figure out.

I was so focused and so deep into my mind that I almost worked through lunch, but Minho helped drag me out of my head. I was grateful to see Gally, but after lunch it was right back to the maps.

After trying likely hundreds of methods to try to find a pattern, I was about ready to give up.

"This doesn't look like we're getting anywhere. Do you want to take a break to clear your head? You look a little overworked." Minho suggested politely.

If anything, I was stubborn. I hated the fact that this puzzle was getting the best of me. The deeper I got into the memories, the sharper my headache got but the clearer things appeared.

"No thanks, Minho. I'm fine, really. I just need to keep working on this. I know that there must be some pattern that we're missing... Can you pass me those two papers over there?" Minho sighed at my lack of self-care, but obliged.

As he held the papers out to me where I was sitting, they came between me and the light at such an angle that you could faintly see the patterns of both papers together. And they lined up.

"Oh my God!" I snatched the papers out of his hands, holding them up to the light again and surveying the lines. Minho started frantically questioning me about what I saw but I was too busy checking with other pairs of papers from different sectors. It was consistently the same.

"I think I really figured something out here. Maybe not an escape route or anything, but definitely some sort of code. We're going to need a klunk load of tracing paper, Minho. And more helping hands."

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