12 || Sneaky Overseeing

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I woke up on my own the next morning. No one had shaken me awake and for a few seconds before I remembered everything, I felt peaceful. Then everything that had happened hit me like a tsunami and I felt like going back to sleep for all eternity.

I was in Newt's bed. He had given me the bed for the second night in a row, even when I wasn't supposed to be in his room at all. I had a feeling he liked me more than he acted like he did. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and they were starting to feel gross.

"Newt?" I mumbled groggily, rolling over to face where Newt had slept. He was on his feet already, looking through his dresser for the right clothes. I felt my whole body aching from working in the Gardens yesterday.

"Morning, (Y/N). I was just about to wake you up. Breakfast is soon. I talked to Alby already, he says that he's skipping onto the next person on the schedule instead of sending you back to Zart. A Gathering is planned for later to talk about what Zart did, and about Gally punching him." Newt explained. I nodded, swinging my legs off the bed and stretching.

"Who's next on the schedule?" I asked casually, getting up and yawning loudly. He paused, thinking to himself for a second, then replied, "Minho, I think."

"Really? That's great." I said genuinely, then said goodbye to Newt and went downstairs to the bathrooms. I waited in line, then when I got my turn I quickly washed my face. I made a mental note to ask someone for a toothbrush later.

I finished in the bathroom and slowly made my way to the Dining Room. I grabbed a tray and made my way to Newt, Thomas, Chuck and Minho's table. They smiled at me, and welcomed me into the conversation instantly. I felt like I fit in, and it was nice.

When I was halfway done my meal, I noticed Gally enter the room. We met eyes, then he glanced around at who I was sitting with. He seemed oddly pleased that I was no longer with Zart. He smiled at me but I was still too upset with his attitude last night to return it.

I finished breakfast quickly and the other three boys at the table soon went in their opposite directions. Minho and I cleared the dishes and then he lead me out to the middle of the Glade.

"So, where am I working today?" I asked him casually. He shrugged, reaching down to pick a dandelion absently.

"Umm, nowhere I guess. You're on my watch and I have the day off." He explained, starting to peel the petals off the flower one at a time. "Usually I'm a Runner, though."

"Can we go see the Gathering later?" I asked hopefully, it being all I could think about. He looked thoughtful, then nodded.

"Sure, I could probably sneak you in." He answered. "But only because you helped me steal that bread."

"Okay, thanks." I thanked him as we slowly wandered towards the tree-ridden area—the Deadheads, if I remembered correctly.

"Wanna go climb trees?" Minho asked like a child asking his best friend on a playdate. I hesitantly agreed, and we spent several hours climbing the thick branches of the various trees in the forest area. I kept scraping my legs and palms but it was worth it. We continued until lunch rolled around.

Chuck and Thomas' jokes made lunch pass quickly. Sooner than I thought, Minho was dragging me off towards the backdoor of the Homestead. There was a little stairwell along the back that lead to a railed pathway about ten feet above the room where the Gatherings were held.

"Just sit here. Nobody ever looks up at the railing. Stay still and you'll be fine." Minho explained. I sat down and he headed back out the exit.

"Thanks!" I called after him quietly. I sat still and silent as Minho had told me to. After a minute or two, Newt, Alby, Minho and Winston came in.

Other Keepers followed them, and in under five minutes every seat in the semicircle was filled. Besides Gally and Zart's, that is, who were sitting where I had been at the last Gathering with a few feet of space between them.

"Okay, Keepers, this Gatherin' is officially started." Alby declared. All the previously chatting Keepers settled down at his voice.

"Firs' problem for this Gatherin' is Zart, Keeper o' the Track-Hoes. He's been treatin' (Y/N) poorly by overloadin' her with work, forcin' her to skip lunch, being shuckin' rude an' not lettin' her go to bed." Alby stated, looking from Zart to the rest of the Keepers.

"I was not treating the Girl Greenbean poorly!" Zart defended annoyedly, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest like a toddler in time-out. Alby shushed him, and began pointing for Keepers to speak their minds.

Winston went first and asked if there was any actual proof, to which Newt explained what he'd seen both in the day and at the bonfire. Winston nodded, then paused in consideration before answering.

"While it is obviously singling her out, technically there are no rules directly against it." He pointed out. I felt my stomach drop. How could he be on Zart's side?

"Not technically, but what if he had done that with Thomas?" Newt snapped in return. I felt a pang of pride that Newt had stood up for me.

"Then sucks to be Thomas. He would've sucked it up for the day. You're all just taking extra precautions because she's a she." Winston complained.

I was taken aback. Newt and Minho looked dumbfounded. Minho glanced up at me, his annoyance with Zart clear. Gally's jaw and fists clenched tightly.

"Thomas also wouldn't have had to stay with anyone at the bonfire or at night!" Gally protested, throwing his arms in the air.

"Okay, settle it down! Your points're made." Alby shouted, settling the restless semicircle. Most of the boys looked to Alby, waiting for him to continue.

"I say (Y/N) moves on through the schedule. Zart's turn's passed and we don't even know if he's gonna have another turn." Alby suggested. When the votes were cast, everyone voted in-favor and Alby continued.

"Now, onto the heavier matter. What are we gonna do 'bout Gally?"

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