19 || Serious Business

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Idek what this chapter is I just kinda needed an update. It does get kinda serious though, and it is about serious problems that are bound to occur with lots of boys and one girl. Technically no TWs, but kinda close. P.S. Sorry for not updating in so long, but thank you guys for showing your support!

It seemed like no time at all before Newt walked in, followed by Gally. I couldn't help but feel happy when he flashed me a half-smile before pulling a chair up beside me. My stomach felt a bit fluttery, almost like a momentary high.

I paid little attention to the first part of the Gathering because I kept getting lost in my own head as I thought about Zart's vote. Why had he voted to save Gally? This whole dilemma started because he and his buddies pushed for Gally's banishment. What was the point of all that if he was just going to change his vote?

After fifteen minutes of the Keepers going back and forth about what a fitting punishment was, Alby proposed four continuous days in the Slammer. Newt protested but was shushed. The majority voted in favor.

So that was it then, four days in the Slammer. It sounded awful, but in comparison to death by Grievers it was like a vacation. I felt rather reassured at the rumbling of the Doors closing, knowing that Gally and I were both safely inside.

A considerably large boy--who was still a few inches shorter then Gally--started to lead Gally off to the Slammer the second that Alby declared that the Gathering was finished. As the realization that I wouldn't see him again for the next four days hit me, I leapt forward to say goodbye.

Before I made it even a step in his direction, a strong hand gripped my shoulder in a restraining way. I spun around to see Minho, shaking his head at me seriously. It was probably the most serious I've ever seen him. I wanted to ask him why he'd stopped me, but his expression told me to slim it.

It was oddly silent as everyone filed out of the room. Minho lead me out of the room and towards his bedroom by my elbow, his pace hurried. The sleeping bags were still strewn out messily across his room from last night, so he kicked them aside as we entered.

"What was that?" I asked, my voice coated in worry. His eyebrows furrowed and he crossed his arms, his posture solemn.

"Look, (Y/N). I've been eavesdropping on some people and... well, there's been a strong dislike for Gally more recently, in some of the more... interested Gladers." His words sounded calculated, as if he was trying to frame the situation in a specific perspective.

"What does that mean?" I replied, clueless. He sighed, as if he was trying to explain algebra to a toddler.

"All I'm saying is that there's never been a girl here before, so we didn't know who the creepy people were until you arrived. We're just figuring out now that not all of us are as trustworthy as we thought each other to be." Still, his words were meticulously thought out. His seriousness was starting to freak me out.

"I'm confused. What does others being untrustworthy have to do with me saying goodbye to Gally?" I asked.

"There are a lot of bad people here, who would do a lot of bad things to get what they want. In this case, those bad guys are teenage boys who are severely affection deprived." He tried to simplify. My stomach twisted as I was beginning to catch on.

"Those boys wouldn't want a girl to make herself exclusive to a different guy. If she did, they might go to extreme lengths to take that guy out of the picture in order to pursue the thing they want." He continued. He opened his mouth to continue but I held up a halting hand.

"I get it." I choked out, shocked and disgusted with what I was just told. I slumped down onto Minho's bed, my head spinning. He sat next to me.

"Zart." Something in my head clicked. Minho nodded in confirmation. He had changed his vote because his goal had nothing to do with Gally. Though, I knew now it had a lot to do with me.

"Was Gally's punishment my fault, then?" I asked guiltily, my voice cracking. He put a hand around my shoulders.

"No. He chose to punch Zart all on his own, and Zart chose to retaliate all on his own too. Sure, it may have been about you, but you didn't do anything to make it your fault." He reassured. I nodded, his words helping heal my built-up guilt.

"So what do I do? Do you think he'll keep trying to get rid of Gally?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder as I played with my hoodie strings.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. For now, I'd say you keep Gally in line. Also, maybe keep yourselves on the down-low. Try not to advertise." I nodded, then let out a soft chuckle.

"We're not together, you know. Right now, we're just friends." I explained, a touch of humor in my voice.

"Not for long. I know you like him, and I see how he looks at you. I don't think I've ever seen something more than tolerance in his expression. And it's not like the other guys either. It's not the lustful, undressing-you-with-my-eyes kind of thing. It's sweeter, more like adoration." He noted.

The thought of Gally looking at me with his intense stare made my stomach swirl with butterflies. I wanted to see him.

"Thank you for this, Minho. I mean it. Having you here for me means a lot." I thanked him, turning to look at him.

"Aw, sure. Who else is going to keep you from getting yourself maimed or killed, am I right?" He joked. I let out a laugh that I really meant.

"True, I guess. Hey, Minho? Is it okay to ask for one more favor?" I pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Spit it out." He replied with an eye roll.

"Can you be my watch while I take a shower?"

"Well, you smell too bad for me to say no."

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