3 || Awkward Topics

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This chapter is kind of boring, but it's important to read for things to make sense! The next chapter gets much better, FYI.

"Oi! This is a Gatherin'! We speak in turn, always. Let's go 'round and let everyone have a go at askin' questions, then any shanks with a good solution can raise their hands. Good that?" Alby shouted over everyone else, silencing the chaos. Glances were exchanged, then slow nods. "Right, then. Winston?"

"Hate to say it, but I know that at least a couple slintheads are gonna try something with her. Is someone gonna have to stay with her at all times? Because, and no offence-" he sent me a halfhearted, pursed-lip smile, "she stands no chance against half the shanks here." Most boys raised their hands at this.

I was a little offended by the statement, but I let it go because he was probably right. From what I could tell, every person in this place worked in some type of manual labor, and would probably end up winning against me. Not that I'd go down without a fight. Big or small, I still have nails and teeth.

Alby gestured for one blond boy to speak. "I think one of us Keepers should stay with her at all times. At least for a little bit, while the rules are still being laid out. And I think it should be done in shifts." He explained.

Alby nodded at the idea, then cast a quick vote. Majority voted in-favor. "'Right, it's official. I'll work out the shift schedule in detail later. Fry, you're up."

"Where's she going to sleep?" The hairy boy next in line asked logically. Another boy suggested that I stay in whichever Keeper's room that I was supposed to be with anyways, but with the doors strictly unlocked. It was a close call, but the turnout was just slightly in-favor. Alby moved onto the next boy, who was ginger and rather tall.

"Which jobs should she have to try out? I mean, she'd be a useless Bagger." Someone suggested that I skip Builder, Bagger, Bricknick and Slicer. After some snarky complaints, Slicer was removed, as 'girls are too emotional for that' wasn't a passible excuse.

After the adjustment, majority voted in-favor. Alby moved on to the next person even quicker than last time. This kid had light brown skin and dark hair.

"What're the punishments going to be, for different levels of... inappropriate interactions with her?" He asked nervously, scratching at his neck. Alby himself popped the suggestion to this one. His tone was serious and sorrowful.

"Verbal harassment—after she's told ya to knock it off already—one day in the Slammer. Touchin' her inappropriately outside o' her clothes, two days. Kissin' her without permission, three days. Anythin' under her clothes without her consent is immediate banishment." Alby stated more than asked. Everyone nodded. There was no need to cast a vote.

It was then onto the next boy in line, Minho. Weirdly, he just muttered "I'll pass for now." Everyone looked weirded out by his response, but moved on to the next in line, Gally.

"What about showering? The showers are all outdoors." He pointed out. The hairy boy suggested that I could pick someone I trust to stand guard while I shower and that I do it late at night for less visibility. Instead of a vote, Alby turned to me.

"Ya good with that?" He asked me. Everyone looked at me. I nodded quickly, wanting all the staring eyes off of me ASAP. Alby nodded, then moved on.

A few more questions were asked. Most of them now were no longer about deciding things to do with me. Many were talking about "the Creators" and the end of whatever crazy place this was. I tuned out most of the stuff I didn't understand.

I had plenty of time to think while they talked. So, they were confirmed to be all boys. That was definitely going to be a problem, but these boys seemed to be taking extra care to ensure my safety so I wasn't too worried about that aspect.

I was more worried about the fact that I didn't know my last name, or who my family was, or whether or not I was in a relationship. Also, this place itself was pretty alarming.

They had been talking about jobs and showers and sleeping arrangements, which I knew meant that I'd be here for a long time. I wasn't quite okay with that, but I forced myself to see the silver lining.

Hey, at least you're not dead yet!

"'S that it, then? No one's got anythin' else they wanna bring up?" Alby eventually concluded, drawing me back to reality. Taking the silence as a no, he officially ended the Gathering, ordering the boy with the limp—who I'd picked up was named Newt—to take me to the Kitchens to get something for my empty stomach before bed. He was also on first shift with me.

However, I could already see it become problematic, as he gave me a short glare. He did not like me at all.

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