37 || No Sleep Discoveries

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Unedited again, so please point out my errors. : )

TW: Chaos/Mass Panic and Fire?
(Last part only)

I tried desperately to argue my case to Minho— that I should have the whole day off like everyone else— but he wouldn't budge. He insisted that it was important for us to get back to work again right away so as to not lose steam.

In theory, I agreed with him, but my body just wanted some more sleep, or maybe a bit of straight caffeine to inject into my bloodstream.

I met up with Gally and the other guys who had the day off as we exited the Homestead. They were all lounging about in the sunny field, chatting away. Gally was annoyed with Minho for stealing me away again; he was looking forward to hanging out with me.

Minho came to a compromise by agreeing to have me finished by dinner. After a lot of dissatisfied remarks towards Minho, Gally finally said his goodbyes to me and we were off.

I flat-out refused to run, and hardly even jog. My body was so low on energy I was surprised I was still on my feet.

We walked and walked for a solid two hours, making our way in a semi-circle around the Maze towards the Cliff. Surprisingly, my headache didn't worsen at all until we reached the edge. By now, I wasn't even flinching. I was painfully used to it.

"You said you felt something here last time? Like something was right there, but you couldn't quite pin it down." Minho prompted. I sighed in response. I was having the same feeling again, and it was beyond frustrating.

"It's almost like this place is buzzing with excitement. It sounds crazy, but it feels like it's taunting me somehow." I gritted my teeth against the nausea I was getting from all the memories swirling around. My frustration only grew as each second passed.

"Urgh!" I shouted out in anger, kicking the ground and sending gravel flying in all directions. Yelling didn't help at all. In fact, it just made me dizzy. I bent over and grabbed my knees, scrunching my eyes shut tightly.

"(Y/N)?" Minho asked. The sound of him kicking the ground as well caught my attention, and I gave him a confused look.

"What is that?" He wondered, pointing towards something beyond the edge.

"What is what?" I couldn't see anything until he kicked the dusty gravel once more.

There was a small, flat square of space a few feet away from the ledge where the gravel was disappearing. It looked like a glitch in reality. After exchanging many confused looks, we began to throw individual pebbles towards the square. They all hit the point and were suddenly gone.

"Holy shuck. What do you think is down there?" Minho's eyes lit up as he started thinking about it.

"We don't even know if it leads to somewhere, or if it just sends things into a void. Besides, we can't go through it to see. It's too narrow, and if we miss, it's a long way down..." We both stared down at the drop. It looked like it went on for miles.

"We shouldn't tell people about this yet." Minho declared with a serious face. "You might be right about it being nothing. The Glade has enough hope for now. Let's wait until we figure it out a bit more, yeah?"

"Well, Newt should know, don't you think? He's the First in Command right now." Minho's expression went frantic.

"No! Especially not him. I mean, he's a great leader and all, but... let's just say he doesn't take disappointment very well."

I agreed with his assessment blindly. I sensed that it was a touchy subject and didn't want to pry.

After some debate and an agreement to come back to it tomorrow morning, we eventually began making our way back to the Glade. Dinner was still going to be a little while, so I went and found Gally hanging out with some others in the grass.

Naturally, I laid down next to where he was laying down and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Long day?" Gally teased, knowing just how long my day had been. I smiled at his humour and moved to put my head on his stomach with our bodies making a T-shape.

He absently played with my knotted hair as he continued his conversation with the other boys, and I felt myself starting to doze within minutes.

Dinner was called, in my opinion, too soon. Gally gently roused me and we headed to the Dining Room. I was sleepy all throughout dinner.

Once Gally and I cleared our dishes, we headed up to our room. Gally grabbed his dirty laundry and left to go clean it. Left alone, I tucked myself into bed and was overtaken by sleep within the minute.


I woke to the sound of screaming, which is never good. With a glance to the window, I could tell that it was probably about nine or ten at night.

I shuffled my way out of the blankets, through the eerily quiet Homestead and out the front door.

What alarmed me most about the scene in front of me was shockingly not the numerous fires spreading throughout the Glade, or the sight of familiar faces running for their lives, but it was the Doors. The sun had already set, but they were all open.

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