38 || The Ending Is Triggered

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TW: (*SPOILERS*) Death, Blood, Gore, Traumatization

Splotched around the Glade, I was catching glimpses of metallic sheen. Grievers. At least a dozen.

My feet felt glued to the floor in fear. The screams of my friends and acquaintances were distant to my ears despite them coming from only meters away.

It took a moment for my brain to register the word, but soon I realized that someone was approaching me whilst screaming my name.

"(Y/N)! Run! The box, go!" Gally was shouting.

The box. The thought of safety that the box could hold against the Grievers pulled me out of my trance. My feet finally started listening to me just as Gally caught up to where I was standing. Side by side, we bounded towards the center of the Glade.

Practically sliding to a stop, we all but threw the top of the Box open and slid in. The impact left my feet stinging. Gally jumped up and closed the trapdoor and we were both panting hard from the adrenaline.

"What the hell is happen-" Gally clamped a hand down over my mouth, knocking me into a wall in the process. He pressed a finger to his lips to signal me to be quiet. He removed his hand as I nodded. 'They'll hear us' he mouthed in explanation.

We both stood there in silence for a minute, just waiting. We were stuck in an inescapable state of anticipation.

The thought of our friends still being out there haunted me almost as much as the screams did. Newt, Chuck, Minho, Alby, Frypan... My knees began wobbling so hard that I had to sit down. Gally knelt beside me.

"You hurt?" He whispered at a barely audible volume in my ear. I shook my head and took a deep breath. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." I looked up to meet his eyes and found a strong look of determination, but also a shaky fear. I nodded halfheartedly, clinging to the small amount of hope he was providing me.

"Are you hurt?" I repeated back to him. To my relief, he also shook his head.

The dim light coming into the Box was skewed for a moment before the sound of the Box entrance clanging open made us both jump. As a reflex, we both crouched in the corner and prepared for the worst.

"Gally! (Y/N)!" Hearing Chuck's voice caused a heaviness to lift from my chest. His stout body made the big drop to the Box floor. Once he was upright again, I nearly tackled him.

"Chuck!" I whispered, hugging him tightly. I pulled away to look at his face, and make sure that he was alright. As I was checking him over, another person dropped in and helped Gally shut and latch the Box behind them. They greeted me with a desperate hug, and I realized in the dim light that it was Frypan.

"I'm so glad you're both alright." Frypan begun, quickly earning a shushing from both Gally and I. He apologized and continued on in a whisper, which was barely ineligible over the outside chaos. "I tried looking for you, Gally, but everything's got to klunk up there. It's hopeless."

I noticed how Chuck appeared disturbed by his statement and I comforted him with a hug and some reassuring words. He was too innocent to be going through such horrific things. It made me furious to think that anyone was purposefully doing this to children. I turned around to talk with Fry and Gally.

"What's going on out there? How did this happen?" I pressed.

"I don't know. One second I'm scrubbing dishes and the next there's a Griever arm reaching in through the window. I didn't think, I just ran." Frypan answered, his breathing still ragged.

"I was on my way to the showers. I got caught up talking with Minho and Tim, they had just gotten back from the Maze. No one even realized what was going on at first because the Doors just didn't close. Nobody even really noticed that they weren't supposed to be open still. The Grievers came in quietly until..." Gally trailed off in horror.

"Then the people in the smokehouse started wielding torches which all inevitably got dropped, so then fire was added into the mix. I was trying to tell people to stop grabbing more torches when I saw you." He whispered the last part to me.

"Why is this happening? The Doors always close." Frypan stated in disbelief. Gally shrugged and crossed his arms. We were all deep in thought trying to come up with an answer when a horrible scream came from right above us. Naturally, we all crouched to the floor and looked up.

I didn't recognize the boy who was flopped against the top of the Box. Not that anyone could've, anyway; half of his cheek was hanging off and his face was drenched in his own blood. Said blood began to drip down and pool at our feet.

"Help me..." The boy was half-sobbing, half-moaning. His words came out gurgled as he choked on his own blood, causing more of it to splash down and splatter all over me. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth to keep from either puking or screaming-- I couldn't tell which.

Just as Chuck opened his mouth to say something, the boy was dragged off of the grated roof by something. As he disappeared from our view he let out one final cry that was abruptly cut off by what we could only assume was his death.

It was silent in the Box for a long time after that. No one could say anything. The blood still dripped on us from the fence-like ceiling, and nowhere in the Box could the drops be avoided. I was by far the most covered in it, simply because of where I had happened to crouch was right below the dying boy.

Just as I started to shake uncontrollably, Gally broke out of the dark moment and reached out to pull me to him. He sat in a corner nd pulled me into his lap. We both wrapped our arms around each other I had never held on to anything so tightly or desperately.

"It's okay. We're safe in here. Everything's going to be okay." Gally mumbled with a shaky voice and a clenched jaw, more for his own sanity than anything else.

I could briefly hear Chuck start to cry and I had wanted to comfort him but I simply couldn't make my body move. Thankfully, Frypan was quick to step up and calm him down as best he could. Eventually Chuck had cried so hard that he could no longer keep his eyes open and fell asleep on Frypan's shoulder.

I couldn't sleep, though. Neither could Gally or Frypan. Not whilst our friends were dying.

It was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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