Chapter 2

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"Ava get the hell up were going to be late for school" I here Lisa yell from her room, I reach for my phone to check the time 8:20am.

"Oh shit" I yell and start to get ready, I have class at 9am and it takes us about 30 minutes to get to campus. Alice and I run around to get all our books and bags. We run downstairs to Alice's car and get in, she drives like a made women but me make it on time. I get out a yell a quick bye and we plan to meet up for lunch. I run to my classroom and just make it. I sit down in my assigned seat and try to catch my breath.

"Did you forget to set your alarm again" I hear someone say and sit next to me I look up and see it's just my friend Antonio but we all call him Tony, I still can't catch my breath so I just nod. Tony laughs and gets out his books as the teacher starts the lesson, Tony and I have been friends since I started university, he is also studying to be a teacher but an art history teacher, Tony is an amazing artist he sells paintings on the side and also designed all his tattoos, tony has a sleave of tattoos and keeps asking me to get some I always laugh but I would love for him to design a tattoo for me, Tony is also one of the kindness people I know, he is always looking out for people even when they don't like him.

As the class ends Tony and I leave and exit the class discussing the lession we just had, as we exit the main building I invite Tony to have lunch with me and Alice.

"I would love to Ava, but Dan asked me help him out with something, next time?" I agree and then head of the meet Alice, I always forget that Dan and Tony are best friends they are so different, Tony is such a strong and caring person and Dan is a very smart person but can be a dick at times.

Alice and I meet up and go to the local bakery for lunch, during lunch she tells me that during class a guy messed up a project and if it was not for her then he would have failed the assessment. After she tells me how she did not want to help him because he has been rude to her in the past, her phone notification goes off.

"Oh my god I totally forgot it's your birthday tomorrow, what do you want to do? it's the weekend?" I pause to think technically tomorrow was not my birthday, I never knew my birthday, tomorrow is just the day I go dropped off at the pub and I hated celebrating it but now I don't mind it we all get together and have fun.

"I don't care we can just hang out with everyone and go to the lake" Alice smiles in agreement.

"That's sounds like a great idea we all haven't hung out since school went back and the weather looks great" Alice then starts messaging the group and organising everyone.

The next day Ava wakes me up early so we can get ready and pick up Jace and Lisa. On the way to the lake Ava tells Lisa about the guy she hooked up with the other night and Jace and I are just jamming out the songs on the radio but as they get more into details Jace becomes more uncomfortable.

"Next time I'm going with the guys" he says with a grown.

"I thought you would have loved hearing girls talk about sex" I say with a smirk.

"Yes, girls not Alice and Lisa" Jace sulks in the back of the car.

"Hey, we are girls you dick" Lisa says pushing him into the door of the car.

"You know what I mean you guys are like my sisters, picturing you guys doing it is like picturing my sisters doing it, just gross" I laugh so hard and Alice and Lisa start yelling at Jace, thank god we start to pull up to the lake and I can see the others are here and have already began to set up.

I get out of the car still laughing as Jace, Alice and Lisa are still arguing, the others look at us with puzzled faces.

"You don't want to know" is all I say, they nod then help us set up. Jace helps me set up the table and chairs and I see him looking back at Alice, I can tell something is going on with them, no one knows why they broke up all we know is that they are both sad and want to be with each other still.

"You know she won't bite if you go talk to her" I say to him, he looks at me with a puzzled look before finishing setting up the table.

"You know I can't were broken up its what's best for both of us" he then walks away to help Tony set up the shade. I shake my head, sometimes boys are dumb, they make things worse when what they are.

"Let's get this party started" Lisa yells as she turns the music on, the boys run into the water and start wrestling each other. Lisa and Alice start dance to the beat of the music and drag me over to them, the boys then come over and get us to throw us in the water, Jace gets Alice, Dan gets Lisa and Tony try's to get me to put me in the water with the girls, however as I a much stronger then him I push him in, we all laugh then have a water fight guys verses girls, before it gets to bad I get out and start taking photos of everyone.

After the water fight the girls got out and started to sun bath and the boys found a rope swing and begin jumping of it. I went with the boys to use the rope swing, but as I was about to swing, I sore it again the green flash in the water. Before I knew it Jace pushed me on the swing, I jumped of the swing into the water where the green flash was, when I entered the water it was like my life flashed before my eyes but not this life my old life. I sore the people that raised me the battles I fought and the creatures that sent me here. I couldn't handle it anymore I swam up out of the water, I didn't realize how long I was under the water for, the boys all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"Ava are you all right, I'm so sorry" Jace said and helped me out of the lake, not wanting to worry everyone I began to laugh, Jace's expression changes.

"Oh my god did you fake drowning, not cool dude" Jace says in anger, the rest of the group burst out into laughter.

"Looks like you're not the only prankster in the group Jace" Dan says as he gives him a small push.

"Come on guys, let's start cooking dinner" I say as I walk towards the girls, the boys set up the grill and start cooking the sausages and hamburger, the girls help me set up. After the boys finish cooking dinner we all sit down together and eat, Jace and Dan are throwing there scraps at each other, Tony is showing Lisa and Alice his new back tattoo and the design for his next tattoo, I am so happy to have such a great friends that are like family to me now, as I am reflecting I don't notice Alice go off and get a cake from the car, the group then start to sing happy birthday, I notice they all have smiles on their faces, even Jace.

As I blow out my candles, I don't know what to wish for, I have everything I need, so I wish to be this happy forever. After I blow out my candles, I look up to see everyone smiling and starting to fight about what pieces of cake they want, but I soon notice something, the ground is beginning to shake.

"Earthquake" Lisa yells as she clings to Alice and Tony, everyone then starts to get up and make sure everything is secure, but I know something is wrong I don't know what but I stand up and take a protective stance.

"It's time Ava" I hear an old man say, that voice it sounds so familiar.

"Who said that" Jace yells. We all start to feel lightheaded and all hang on to each other, until we pass out.

"Ow" I say as I slowly wake up, I'm not too sure what happened, all I remember is an earthquake and a voice telling me its time. I look up to see everyone else just as confused as I am.

"What the hell happened?" Tony asks everyone.

"I don't know but I have a killer hangover, where are we" Lisa asks quietly. I look around to see we are no longer at the lake, but we are in a forest, something about this forest look familiar.

"Hey, I think I can see something in the trees" Dan says. We all get up and follow him, as I exit the tree line, I see we are at the edge of a cliff and can see mountain and a small village and castle in the village. I look at everyone and see them in shock I don't know what to say, all I can think about is that I know these mountains, I know the people who live in that village, I know who rules in that castle.

"What the hell where are we?" Alice asks turning to me, I turn to see everyone looking at me waiting for my reaction, I turn back to look at the village and say softly "Fangon".  

Fangon - The Quest for PeaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon