Chapter 27

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I never thought death would feel so warm and I still feel so much pain, I open my eyes and see that I am in a large room, the walls are white with small amounts of gold, the bed is also white and gold, there are wooden furniture all over the room some are also painted white, I look over and see that a window is open and the curtains are open letting the sun in and shin right in my eyes.

Wait a moment am I dead? This room look oddly familiar like I have seen it in a dream, I am broken from my thought by the door opening and a young girl walks in holding a pot of water, as soon as she sees me she screams and drops the pot and the water goes all over the floor she then faints and falls to the floor in the puddle of water. I sigh out of frustration and sit up, I look down to see that I am wearing only a long white shirt, what is with all the white, I decide to get up and find out what is going on, but a small pain is coming from my side, I place my hand to my side where Yen's sword impaled me, there is a small bandage, I take it off to look at my wound and see that it is almost gone, confusion comes over me.

I stand as my aching body tells me to go back to bed, I walk over to the desk and see that my armour is laid out, the scales have been fixed and the rest of my armour has been polished, not having the energy to put this on I look for something else to wear, in one of the wardrobes I find dresses and men's shirts and paints, I decided that I will just put on the pants for now. I walk over to the young girl to see if she is okay, she slowly starts to wake as I remove the pot shards from the ground.

"Good Morning" I say to her.

"I do not understand you were dead" she says,

"Sorry to disappoint. Wait if I was dead what where you doing" I ask and help her up.

"The council wanted you to be clean for your funeral today" she says.

"The council?" I ask.

"After the battle the race leaders decided that a council should be created and each race would have a place on the council, this way they all could rule Fangon in piece and as one" she says and I nod understanding, I did not think they would work together so quickly.

"Wait how long has it been since the battle" I ask.

"3 Days they did not want to put you to rest until everything had calmed down" she says.

"Where are the council now" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"They will be at your funeral in the town square, it will be starting in a moment" she says pointing out the window.

I move to the window and look down to see that the town square is right below us, there are a number of creatures and people gathered there, I can see the council standing on a small stage looking out to the crowd.

"Well I better get going, cant be late for my funeral" I say and quickly look in the mirror, my hair is a mess so I tie it up into a messy ponytail and half tuck my shirt into my pants, I see some boots near the door and place them on then run out the door, I run through the halls until I stop in my tracks, I think I will have some fun with this.

Before I reach the town square I jump out of a nearby window and climb onto a tree hiding from everyone, however I can clearly see the council, in the middle I can see Eldar, a smile comes over my face as he begin to speak.

"Today we say goodbye to someone who has touched all of us and if it wasn't for her we would all still be hiding away or dead" he says to the crowd, the mood is so depressing that I can't wait any longer.

"Gods, if I knew that my funeral would be this depressing I would of stayed dead" I say as I jump from the tree and land in the crowd, I look around the crowd and see them taking a few steps back out of shock but as I continue to look around I see warm smiles and tears of joy, it looks like half of Fangon is here.

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