Chapter 18

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"You want me to fight the smog in the Dark forest, you want me to fight my nightmares" I say and Pike nods, I take a deep breath then take a step forward and take out my sword.

"Okay let's do it" I say, the creatures move so I have more room and the fairy's begin to create the Dark forest smog. As the smog consumes me, I look around to see that every creature as the same look of worry and excitement on there faces, however Fianna just has a look of worry on her face. I take one last deep breath as the smog fills my lungs and close my eyes as I open my I see that the smog is gone and a person is standing in front of me, I cant move shock and sadness overcome me, the person standing in front of me is the Trill I once loved and also killed Ares.

Tears begin to form but before they can fall, I wipe them and turn to Pike.

"This is not right I already fought him" I say, but before Pike can respond Ares answers.

"Ava you know the smog dose not lie, you have to fight me" he says walking towards me.

"No I know your not real but I cant fight you again, killing you was the hardest think I had to do and I will never forgive myself" I say and take a couple of steps towards him, he begins to laugh.

"Gods you are weak, you know I was glad you killed me, you put me out of my misery of you wining all the time" he says

"You're not real, he would never say that" I tell myself.

"You know I never thought about it but you where the worst, you know she killed me because she would rather fight for the King then leave with me" he says addressing the crowd.

"That's not true and you know it" I say.

"I don't know why you would want to lead, every fight you have ever been in you got your men killed, when it should have been you" he says walking towards me.

"Stop it" I say griping my sword tighter.

"You are nothing but a weak little girl that was raised by drunks and thefts" he says in my face.

"Stop it" I say louder.

"You can't win you will never win" he says louder in my face.

I can't listen any longer and I drive my sword through his heart just like I did years ago. As I take my sword out, I look up at Ares and see shock in his eyes.

"I have and always will love you and I will win, but I need to let you go to do this" I say, he looks at me with a smile on his face and then turns into the smog, I fall to my feet with no more strength in my body, Fianna runs over to me and helps me up over to Pike.

"So will you fight" I ask, Pike looks around the crowd.

"Yes we will fight with you" he says and the crowd cheers.

"Good I will see you soon" I say, and Fianna and I turn to leave.

As we leave the creatures of the forest Fianna leads me through the forest, I don't even notice that she was leading me out until we reach the edge of the forest and reach the horses.

"Thank you, Fianna" I say as she helps me onto my horse.

"It's fine Ava, where not too far from home should we find somewhere to sleep tonight or ride all the way home" she says as she gets on her horse.

"I can't ride for to long, my energy is drained" I say.

"I know a safe place we can stay tonight" she says then leads us back to the rode.

We ride for about an hour until we reach an old farmhouse. We get of our horse and tie them to a near by pole and Fianna walks into the house.

"Who lives her" I ask as I enter the house.

"No one anymore, the solders killed the father that lived here and his wife and children had to move to the city for work" she says.

"Do you think we can win" I ask Fianna.

"I don't know but you have reunited all the races and creatures in this land and that has not been done for some time" she says.

"There not reunited yet they have yet to meet each other and who knows how that will go" I say and lie down on a bed.

"That's a question for another day, for now lets sleep" she says as she also lays down on a bed across for me.

"Your right and thank you for sticking with me during this" I say.

"I will always fight for you Ava" she says and we both begin to fall asleep. 

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