Chapter 12

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We walk through the cave, no one speaks but as we continue to walk through I can see light, as we leave the cave we have a full view on the Orcs village, last time I was here it was just tents and now they have built homes and have made crops. We walk down from the cave and start to gain the attention from the villages.

"Keep close to me they have not seen a human in years and don't have a good memory of what they were like" I say to Fianna and she moves to walk next to me.

As we reach one of the buildings there are a large group of Orcs out the front, as they are all very tall I can't see who they are, the Orc that recognised me then begins to speak to someone in their language and I can't understand what they are saying, Fianna and I look at each other a prepare ourselves in case this goes bad.

All of a sudden, I hear one of the Orcs address the crowd and then they all begin to cheer, I look around at them all looking and cheering at us.

"What's going on" Fianna asks

"Well ether he told them I'm me or he told them that where dinner" Fianna looks over at me shocked but before she can say anything an Orc pushes Mangrul to the side.

"Ava" he says with a big smile on his face.

"Fang" I say and move forward we shake hands and the crowd begin to cheer louder.

"You got old and fat" I say laughing, Fang loudly chuckles and speaks to his people again and they return to their jobs.

"Come lets talk" he says motioning for me to follow him over to an outside seating area. I motion for Fianna to stay back while I talk to Fang.

"Fang I know there is so much you want to know so I will make this quick. The King tried to kill me and the God dragons sent me to another world to keep me safe and they brough me back a couple of days ago, to me it was only 3 years but it's been 10 years since I left. The Keepers of the dragons filled me in on what has happened and I went to see the Gods and they told me they are dying and the Royal wizard is trying to kill them and take over the land and I am the one that has to put the world in order so I need your help to wage war on the royals, I am also going around to the other races to get there help to make a great army." I say and try and catch my breath, I look over to Fang and see that his face is unreadable.

"I'm in, I haven't had a good fight in a while" he says and chuckles. I then go on to explain my plan to him in full and he agrees to have his people ready by the next full moon.

"Now that is planned lets go drink and eat" I agree and walk back over to Fianna and Mangrul, she looks at me with anticipation and I smile and nod to her, she then lets out a breath she must have been holding since we entered the cave.

We all go over to the main dining hall and Fang insist I sit next to him during dinner, he then addresses his people and informs them of the war, they cheer and drink but a couple disagree with Fang one of them is the other Orc from the cave, Fang then becomes angry and reaches for his weapon, before he does anything I reach for his hand and stand up.

"Is this the life you really want to live, trapped in a cave forever with the only light being the glow worms on the roof, don't you all miss the sun and the land. People out there still don't know the truth about what happened, they still think you where evil monsters, show them they are wrong" I say and sit back down, the others slightly agree but the other Orc looks at me with anger.

"I forgot the power you have with talking" Fang says while laughing, I also laugh, and we begin to eat.

After dinner Fang shows me and Fianna a room where we can rest, I thank him, and we climb into the very large bed.

"Well I did not expect that to go that well" she says.

"Neither did I, but the other Orc from the cave, I don't trust him the way he looked at me it was like he hated me" I say and lie down. Fianna dose not say as she has already fallen asleep, I close my eyes and start to fall asleep.

After a couple of hours of sleep, I wake up to hear some noises coming from outside. I let Fianna continue to sleep and make my way outside with my sword. I look around to see who or what was making the noise, all of a sudden the Orc from the cave comes out of no wear and swings his spear at me, I dodge it and jump out of the way.

"What the hell are you doing" I yell.

"Killing you" he says taking another swing at me, I dodge it again.

"Why what did I do to you" I say swinging my sword at him causing him to stumbles back.

"You killed my father and told everyone he was evil" he says.

"Oh my Gods you're the old chefs son" I say but he only responds by swinging his spear at me. I don't say anything as I know he will only get angrier, I try and make as much noise as I can to get someone's help, so I don't kill him.

My plan works and Orcs start to come out of their homes and witness what is going on, but no one helps me. Fang and Fianna then steps out and see what is going on.

"What is going on" Fang roars, this causes the Orc to stop what he is doing, and aim is spear at him.

"I am trying to kill this human because she killed my father, then I will kill you" he moves to attack me again, having enough of this fight I disarm him and force him to the ground, he is now lying on his stomach facing Fang and I am holding my sword to his neck so if he moves his head comes off. Fang then specks to him in their language so I can't understand them.

During their conversation the Orc becomes enraged and somehow pushes me to the ground and I drop my sword, he graves my sword but does not move to kill me but moves to kill Fang, however he does not have a chance to do so as Fang reaches for his own spear and kills him. As his body falls to the ground Fang address the crowd and they all go back into their homes and Fang comes over to me.

"You okay" he says and hands me my sword.

"Yeah, what did you say to him" I ask.

"I told him why you killed him and that he is on the same path as his father was on and if he doesn't change it he will be killed to" he says, I nod and we walk back over to our room.

"Thanks" I say, and we say good night again. As I enter the room Fianna is distraught and makes sure I am okay.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired" I say and get back into bed. As I lay down I can here Fianna complaining about what happened and criticising herself by saying she should have been there to help me, I let her go on her rant but soon fall asleep.

"Ava wake up it's morning we should go soon" Fianna says as she is pushing me to get up.

"I'm up" I say and throw a pillow at her. I slowly start to get up and get dressed, I leave the room with Fianna and we make our way outside and see Fang out in the field with some of his fighters and training them for the war, we walk over to them and observe them for a moment.

"They look good" I walk over to Fang and say.

"They need more work there sloppy" he says then yells at one of the men to fix their stance.

"They will be great, when everyone sees them, they will run home" I say and Fang and I chuckle.

"We should be on our way we have a lot of places to go and not a lot of time to do it" I say and I shake hand with Fang. He motions for his son to escort us back out of the cave. I say goodbye again and we begin to walk back up to the cave. Fianna and I also say goodbye to Mangrul as he shuts the wall.

"Well that was exciting" I say, Fianna and I then burst out into laughter until we reach the outside of the cave. We then pack our things on the horses and then begin to ride again.

"So where to next" she asks.

"The Elves are next and I think I am more scared to see them then I was about the orcs" I say. 

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