Chapter 6

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As I leave Sun's hut, I walk over to another and see Moon leaving one, she walks over to me and places her hand on my check, she doesn't say anything, but her eyes say it all. She lets go and begins to walk back over to her and Sun's hut. Before I enter the hut, I pause for a moment, taking a breath as I know they will all want answers and I don't have the energy as I have not rested for a while. I enter the hut with caution and see my friends sitting around a talking.

"Hey how are you guys feeling?" I ask checking in on them, the last couple of hours has been crazy.

"I don't know Ava, how are we meant to feel, we were brought to another world with magic and one of our best friends is a famous warrior" Tony says standing up to confront me.

"I know and I apology's, but I will be leaving soon to figure out how you all can go home" I say lying down on the floor on a makeshift bed.

"To go see the God Dragon things" asks Lisa moving closer to me. I don't say anything I just nod.

"Wait what do you mean sending us back, you're not coming with us?" Alice says from across the room, I look up and see her face, concern written all over it.

"I can't leave this world like the way it is, back before I left all the races where friends and trusted each other and now half of them may not ever be alive thanks to the Royal family. I need to stop them and it will get messy, very messy and you guys will be in danger and I can't have that."

"What about after it's all done, will you come back?" Alice asks, she looks so scared.

"I don't know" is all I say, I close my eyes not able to fight sleep any longer. Everyone doses the same thing and lays down to get some rest.

A couple of hours pass, and I wake to see that everyone has left the hut, I get up and pack up the makeshift bed getting ready to leave. As I leave the hut I see that it is much later in the day and I start to hear some commotion coming from the centre of the village, I see that all the villages have gathered around to have a feast, I look amongst the crowd to find my friends, I see that they are all scattered around talking to different people. This calms me as I now know that they will be safe here while I go away.

I walk over and join everyone talking to different people and hearing their story's. Eldar walks over and joins me, we start to reminisce about the old days, when I left I was 25 and Eldar was 19, now he's 29 and I'm 28, well technically I'm 35. He was such a know it all, he just wanted to be a great fighter, but this would cause him to get himself in to a lot of trouble, sometimes I was the one who had to get him out of it.

We continue to talk for a while until the sun begins to set, everyone then moves to stand around the marked tree, I look over to see my friends have confused looks on their faces, I mouth wait for it and point to the tree. All of a sudden, the tree lights up and aluminates the village. I walk over to my friends and explain how the Gods blessed this tree so they will be the light of humanity, they are the keepers of the Gods after all.

We then join the others, the feast is in full swing, people are singing and dancing. I have my friends move to sit down on one of the logs around a small fire. Across from us is Sun and Moon, Eldar is also sitting with them. We sit for a while longer exchanging story's. The music then die's down and I look around to see that the rest of the villages are standing around us.

"It is tradition that at a feast a story that has impacted the world is told, so we all remember why we are here, look at the flams in the fire" I whisper to my friends.

"Who chooses the story's" Dan leans in and asks.

"The Gods, they show us what we need to remember" I whisper curious as to what will be shown.

The flams then start to move and a person is shown, it's me talking with the King.

"This is the story of how a single warrior defeated an army all by herself" Sun says looking at me through the flames. As the images are shown through the flames Sun narrates.

"Out of nowhere and army of Orcs came to our land and began to kill our people and destroy the land. We lost countless of lives trying to defeat them, but no one ever made a dint in their numbers. The King had no idea what to do to save his land, so he tasks one person to make a finale stand" he says and whispers come across the crowd, I look around at the villages and my friends to see everyone's eyes glued to the flames, I take this moment to stand and walk to the back of the crowd and stand next to the carved tree, needing to take a breath of fresh air.

"After a battle with the Orcs the warrior came back to the castle defeated, this caused the King to become so enraged he sent the warrior back to battle and told them not to come back unless they have won. Not wanting to scarified anymore lives the warrior went to go and defeat the army of the Orcs alone, after days of not hearing from the warrior or the Orcs the King took his men to their last know location. There they found the land destroyed and burnt, out of the smokes a single person is seen, it's the warrior they are covered in blood and smoke almost unrecognisable. No one knows what happened that day not even the Gods, all we know is that warrior has finally returned to us and will help put our world back in order." Once the flames go out everyone looks up at me with mixed emotions on their faces, some are shocked, proud, or confused.

Before anyone can come over and ask me any questions, I leave to get ready to go see the Gods.

"How did you do it?" Jace asks coming over to me with our friends. I laugh and continue getting ready.

"If I tell you then I will have to kill you" I say, Jace is shocked the he realises I am joking.

"When are you leaving" Alice asks helping me place supply's in bags.

"In an hour or so, it's better for me to go at night, you all should got back to the feast, I will come see you before I leave" they all nod and leave me to get ready.

As I finish packing, I hear someone coming up behind me, I turn to see Eldar holding something and leading a horse.

"You can't walk all the way there and you're going to need a weapon", he hands me a sword, it is long and sharp, on the hilt there is specks of green and gold.

"Thank you, I will be back tomorrow if everything goes to plan." I place the sword and my supplies on the horse.

"I should be coming with you it will be too dangerous to go by yourself", I laugh as Eldar helps me tie my supplies to the horse.

"I'll be fine, didn't you here the story, I defeat an army all by myself" Eldar has a look on his face that I can't read, he doesn't say anything.

We walk to the edge of the village and I say goodbye to my friends, Eldar, Sun and Moon, I thank them again for looking after my friends for me. As I get on top of the horse I turn to say goodbye one last time, the villages all have sad looks upon their faces as they know that the journey I am about to make only a few people have made it back alive. 

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