Chapter 28

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When the sun raises the colour feel different then a sun set, the clouds in a sun raise bring out the pink and orange and make it look so beautiful. I decided to stay up and think about what I will be doing today, I don't know if I should go back, they don't need me anymore the council have everything under control and I trust them to continue to work together.

I have a life in the other world friends and a career that dose not involve me killing people and I love it there, the other world has so much to offer and for me to see. But this is my home, I love the adventures, the different people and creatures yes, it is hard to live here but at moments like this when everything is peaceful it's worth it. I don't even know what I will do here, I could just go to town to town helping others get back to normal but I want a home, I want a place where I can rest.

This is just too hard, I huff and get off from the ledge I was sitting on and begin walking through the town square, hungover people and creatures cover the ground and I try not to step on anyone. Last night was so much fun I had to recruit some Orcs to carry my friends to there rooms as they where passed out drunk, I didn't see Eldar after our talk I think he might be upset with me. That is another thing I will have to take into consideration, Eldar wants me to be with him but am I ready for a relationship, my last relationship ended so badly and I can't go through that again, losing him almost killed me. It would be so much easy to go to the other world where I could just live by myself.

I walk into the castle and into the main throne room, I can see that they have cleaned up the mess that we made a couple of days ago, they have also decorated the room there are flowers wrapped around the pillars and some hanging from the roof, they may have cleaned up the room but the hole in the glass roof that I made is still there, I chuckle to myself. One big thing that has changed is that the old throne is gone and has been replaced by a wooden chair, confused I begin to walk over to the chair.

"What do you think" Eldar asks, I turn and see him standing in the middle of the room, strange I didn't even here him come in, he is wearing a formal set of cloths all black of course.

"It looks a bit basic" I say with a smirk.

"I know I didn't even want a chair, Fianna said that I would have to sit in something and dragged this out of one of the other rooms" he says walking closer to me.

"She's not subtle" I laugh, an uncomfortable science comes over us.

"I should go and get dressed" I say and leave the room, as I leave the room, I hear Eldar let out a big sigh out of frustration.

I walk up to my room and see that a dress has been laid out for me it is light blue and white with different flowers on the hem of it. I don't normal like to wear dresses but decide today will be an exception.

"Ava you in here" I here Alice yell from the door.

"Yes" I yell back finishing getting dressed, she lets herself and the other in and Alice and Lisa sit on my bed while Jace pulls up a chair and Tony sits on the ground leaning on bed.

"So how are you all feeling" I ask.

"Better than I would have thought I barely remember last night" Jace says rubbing his hands on his face.

"That's good" I say and laugh, I take this time to look at all of them, for a group of people who knew nothing about this world they have fit in pretty well.

"So, this has been crazy" I say.

"No kidding a couple of weeks ago we where just hanging out by the lake, drinking and laughing and now we have been taken to another world, seen a massive battle, met elves, dwarfs and so many more creatures and met Gods" Tony says while laughing, we all break out into laughter and fall into a comfortable silence.

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