Chapter 25

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A loud bang is heard as I push the two large doors open, we waist no time and begin to walk through the castle hallway.

"Where would he have gone" Eldar asks me.

"I don't know, the castle is pretty big" I say. I begin to hear some footsteps coming from down the corridor and motion for everyone to stop, the footsteps continue for a moment until a door is shut.

"What is it" Eldar asks me.

"He's this way" I say and turn right and we being to head to the main thrown room.

As we reach the doors I try and push them open but the are locked from the inside.

"Let me" Fang says and in one swift motion he kicks the door open and they both come off their hinges, however before we can enter the room we are met with arrows flying at us, we move to the side of the doors to shield ourselves, without a second thought Fen takes both my bow and arrows and runs straight in, concern comes across my face but as I peak into the room I can see that Fen has shot all the archers and taken down some other solders, I walk over to him and he as a small smirk on his face.

"Show off" I say and Fen hands me my bow and some left over arrows.

"Keep them, there better in your hands then mine" I say with a small chuckle.

We are interrupted by someone throwing a wooden bench at us, but before it can hit us Fang steps in front of us and catches it and throws it to the side, I step out from behind Fang and see Yen and the Queen along with a young man dressed in golden armour.

"You must be the prince I don't think we have met" I say with a small smirk, he does not seem impressed as he takes out his sword and aims it at us.

"Do not speak to me you traitor" he says.

"Boy put down your weapon we have no issue with you" Eldar say stepping next to me.

"You have an issue with my mother meaning you have and issue with me" he yells and runs at us, I take out my sword ready to fight him but Eldar places a hand on mine and takes out his own sword and steps to fight the young Prince.

They do not fight for long as the Prince is untrained and Eldar is one of the best fighters I have seen, Eldar wait's no time in disarming him and knocking him unconscious, Eldar drags him over to the side so he won't get hurt. I look over to the Queen and see that she could care less about her son and she turns to whisper something to Yen, anger comes over me and I take a step forward.

"You truly don't care about anyone other than yourself do you" I ask, she turns to me with an unreadably expression on her face.

"He was a fool thinking he could fight any of you" she says, I forgot how icy her voice was, it sends a shiver down my back, I turn to look at him then turn back to the Queen.

"Yes, he was a fool, but he loved you enough to fight, you're an awful person" I say with disgust.

"Do not talk to me like that, you have no idea what I have had to endure" she says with anger.

"You forget that I have known you for a long time I know what the King was like, I know how he treated you and I also know that you are the one that whispered in his ear telling him what to do and who to kill, you are the reason we are here, so don't stand there wanting us to feel sorry for you because it's not going to happen" I say, she looks me up and down then a small smirk comes over her face.

"You have no idea who I truly am" she says, she then sends us all falling to the floor.

I get up shocked and angry, she can use magic as well.

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