Chapter 13

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From the mountain we ride for a day to the woods where the Elves are. I look over to Fianna and see that she is about to fall of her horse because she is so tired.

"Let's stop here and rest for a couple of hours the Elven kingdom is only a couple of hours away from here" I say and she wastes no time to get of her horse and lays down on the ground, I laugh at her and take our horse over to a nearby river. While they are having a drink of water, I get some bread from one of the packs and break it in half and throw one half on Fianna and I sit and eat the other half. Fianna moves over to sit with me next to the horse.

While we rest, I look over at the woods, the Elven woods were the most beautiful woods in the land, I once heard it was something about the water. The trees and flowers look so much different here it's like you're in another world, even the air feels different, funny I don't remember that it smells like a rose flower and something I can't put my finger on, I look over to Fianna and see that she is fast asleep with half of her bread sticking out of her mouth, I then here the horse making a noise and they lay down and also fall asleep on the ground. What is going on why are they all falling asleep and why do I all of a sudden feel so tired, maybe I should join them and also take a quick nap before we get to the Elves. I then realize that the smell of the rose flowers and that other smell is putting us to sleep, I reach for my sword and try and fight the sleep, I start to see a group of creatures coming towards us but my vision is so blurred I can't see, I swing my sword but miss and fall to the ground in a deep sleep.

"Where are we, let us out" I hear Fianna yell as I wake up.

"Ow why dose my head hurt" I say and sit up and have a look around the room, I see that we are both in a cell that is made out of both wood and steal, I get up and have a look at the marking on the wood.

"Good your up, I don't know what happened but when I woke up we were here, do you have any ideas" she asks and takes a seat on the other bed in the corner.

"Where in the Elven Kingdom Prison" I say and move over to the door made from steal bars.

"What why did they put us here and sneak attack us like that" she asks.

"I don't know, your father did say that some races have turned their backs on each other throughout the years" I say and begin to examine the door.

"What are you trying to do I have been trying to open that and get someone down here for over an hour" she says.

"There's a trick to getting them open, the King wanted to make a secret way to open them from the inside in case he was ever thrown in one." I say and pull the door up and down multiple times until the door came off its hinges, Fianna looked at me with an amaze look.

I motion for her to follow me out of the prison rooms and we make our way through the halls.

"Where are we going and where are all the guards" she asks

"Well if I'm right then the high council will be meeting with King to decided what to do with us and the castle doesn't have many guards most of them would be in the kingdom patrolling or patrolling the woods" I say and begin to walk up a stair case with Fianna behind me, we then walk up to two large wooden doors with Elven markings on it.

"Stay behind me this might get a bit crazy" I say to Fianna.

I open both doors with a loud bang and everyone in the room looks straight at me. I begin to walk up to the King and all of the high councils member move out of my way, as we walk up to the King I bow and motion for Fianna to do the same.

"Your Highness its nice to see you again" I say still bowing.

"Who are you" he says and chills run down my spine, his voice is so deep and has so much power behind it, I then lift my head and look at him and his piercing blue eyes.

"What don't you recognise me Fen" I say with a cocky smile, his eyes slightly wide.

"Everyone out" he says.

"Your highness I don't think that's appropriate, they are prisoners" one of the older Elves say behind me.

"OUT" he yells, I motion for Fianna to follow them out as well.

Once everyone has left the room and the doors have been shut, he slowly gets up from his throne.

"So, you do remember me" I say with a smirk.

"Yes, yes I do" he says coming to stand in front of me, he lifts his hand to move some hair out of my face.

"How do you still look the exact same" he says and takes a small step back, I walk over to the window and begin to tell him everything that has happened and why I am here. After I have finished explaining the current issue and my plan, I look over to him and see that his expression has not changed.

"So, will you help us" I ask.

"This is a lot to ask Ava, you are asking us to fight agents the human Kingdom and fight with demons, creatures and dwarfs. Never in our world's history has an army like this has ever been created, we all have been enemy's for far too long" he says and moves back over to his thrown.

"Gods your as stubborn I remembered. I know this is a lot to ask but if we can all come together, we can defeat their army and take back our land" I move to stand in front of him. But I can tell in his eyes he won't budge.

"Fine I didn't want to do this straight away, but you leave me no chose. You owe me a favour" I say and by the looks on his face I have struck a nerve.

"And why would I owe you" he asks

"You tried to kill me because I wouldn't be with you" I say raising my voice, he becomes quiet.

"Your still angry about that" he says sarcastically and looks away from me.

"Yes, we slept with each other a couple of times and you went crazy when I told you I was leaving" I say loudly, he then looks up at me.

"Fen please I know your history with the other races but for once please just take a step back and think of someone other than yourself, yes your people may die but with everyone's help we can beat them, but we can't do it without you" I say and move to stand in front of him.

"I'm not going to stand her a beg, that's not me and you know it" I say and turn to walk out the door, but all of a sudden I feel Fen reach for my hand, I turn to look at him and notice that he is only an inch away from me.

"You will never know how much power you have over me" he says looking straight into my eyes.

"Is that a yes" I ask with a slight smirk on my face, Fen then smiles and nods, I wrap my arms around him and embrace.

"Thank you" I whisper into his ears.

We let go of each other and we discuss the plan and meeting time and location, after we have confirmed all the required plans Fen calls his high counsellors back into the room and Fianna joins them. He then in forms them on the current issue and the plan that we just agreed to, the counsellors all erupt into angry, they have the same argument that Fen had when we discussed it earlier, however he does not let this discussion go on for very long as he informed them that he is the King and does not need their permission, they all become quite and leave the room again.

"Well that was exciting" Fianna says while walking over to me.

"You have no idea" I say and turn back to Fen.

"Thank you, Fen, I will see you soon" I say and Fen then stands up from his throne and walks over to us.

"Yes, I will see you soon, I assume you are smart enough to find your way back to the main road form here" he says and walks past us and out the door.

"Yes" I yell back and motion for Fianna to follow me out the door.

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