Chapter 19

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During the night I wake up multiple times, I can't sleep as I keep thinking about what we have to do now and all the issue that might happen along the way. After tossing a turning for hours the sun begins to rise, and I decide to feed and groom the horses. Not to long after I wake up Fianna wakes and comes outside and helps me feed and groom the horses.

"So are you going to tell me why your upset or are we going to pretend your fine" she asks with a smirk.

"It's noting just over thinking things" I say and Fianna laughs.

"Okay pretending your fine it is" she says, I laugh and throw a rag at her.

"Come on let's go" I say and we begin to pack up our thinks and head back to the Hidden village.

As we get closer to the hidden village we climb of our horses and walk the rest of the way.

"I don't know about you, but I am excited for a hot bath" Fianna says.

"I am just excited for a hot meal" I say and we both laugh.

"I wonder how Eldar is going with training everyone" I ask.

"Knowing him he will be bossing everyone around and getting mad when they don't listen. I bet he has that scowl on his face that makes him look like an old man" she says, and we break out into laughter again.

We continue to walk in silence until we come upon the edge of the village.

"Home sweet home" Fianna says as we enter the gate.

"There back" someone yells, all of a sudden people start to cheer and a small crowd gather around us, we pass our horses to someone and they lead them to the stables and we greet the crowd.

Out of the crowd my friends emerge, and I embrace them all.

"About time you guys got back" Eldar says from the crowd.

"We decided to take the long way home" Fianna says and embraces her brother, after they let go of each other Eldar turns to me.

"Glad your back in one piece" he says.

"Same" I say while laughing, we embrace and as I let go, I motion for him to follow me to Sun and Moon.

"My children your home" Moon says as we enter their hut, before I know it, she also embraces Fianna and I in a hug and we laugh.

"I missed you all so much" I say, and Sun comes out and also greets us with a hug and motions for us to sit down.

"So tell us how your plan went" Sun says, I look over to Fianna and take a deep breath and turn back to Sun.

"There where some issues on the way but everyone has agreed to fight with us" I say.

"Well done Ava I know you could do it" Sun says.

"Thank you but I could not have done this without Fianna by my side" I say and motion towards Fianna who is blushing.

"Fianna you have proven yourself as the Keeper of the way and we could not be happier" Moon says with a large smile on her face.

"Now we have to prepare for the battle the next full moon is only two days away" Sun says.

"I will be scouting the meeting area tomorrow in preparation" Eldar says.

"I will go with you" I say.

"No Ava you need to rest you have been traveling for days" he says.

"I will rest after" I say, knowing I will go no matter what he nods in defeat.

"How is the army coming along" I ask.

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