Chapter 17

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"The last thing we needed to do was to go and talk to the demons and creatures of the Dark forest. We have to go to the edge of the Dark forest and follow the past to find them" I say, Fianna looks at me concerned but nods and we continue to ride.

We left the village early this morning, today we would be riding for a long time, the Dark forest is close to the Hidden village, so I decided to leave them till last. The Dark forest is not a place to joke, the reason we call it the Dark forest is because the smog in the forest makes you see and hear your nightmares, when you enter the forest you have to stay calm or your nightmares will become more vivid and you will slowly become mad and be lost in the forest. This is why Fianna looked at me with concern she has heard the stories that most who enter never leave, however what most people don't know is that if you stay on a hidden path you will reach the middle of the forest where the air is lighter and the creatures an the demons live, they created that air a long time ago to protect them from the King, I found out about this trick a long time ago from the Trill I once loved.

After a very long day of riding we reach the edge of the dark forest.

"Let's tie up the horse's here" I say and get of my horse Fianna follows my actions and we both unload some of our supplies to take into the forest.

"Now remember when you enter stay calm you will hear things but won't see anything, but if you begin to panic you will start to see your nightmares. If that happens call for me or think of the happiest memory you can" I say while looking for the path into the forest.

Once I have found the path, I motion for Fianna to follow me, we both enter slowly and quietly, it's beginning to become harder to find the path because of the smog.

"How long until we are out of here" Fianna asks, I can hear panic slightly in her voice, I turn to see her looking around franticly, I stop and grave a hold of her shoulders.

"Fianna remember what I said, what is your happiest memory" I say, she closes her eyes to think.

"No open your eyes and tell me" I say and slightly shake her.

"When I was younger, I once found a hurt bird" she says, I let go of her shoulders and reach for her hand and begin to lead her to the middle of the forest.

"Yes, that's good keep talking, what happened next" I say while keeping my eyes on the path.

"I brought it back to the village, Sun told me that there was nothing he could do, and the bird would never fly again. Moon helped me heal it and we took care of it, one day I could not find it I looked all over the village, I asked everyone if they had seen it but they had not, I then began to believe that it died but a few months later it came back to the village and it was flying and had 3 little baby's following her" she says, I turn back to see she has a smile on her face.

"That's good keep thinking about that" I say as we continue to walk on the path.

After a while longer the sun begins to set and it becomes even harder to see, however out of the corner of my eye I see light.

"Fianna do you see that" I ask, she looks up and nods.

'What is that" she asks.

"I don't know but the path is leading us to it" I say, as we reach the light, we can now see creatures gathered around a bonfire arguing with each other. Through the trees I can see Centaurs, Griffins, Faun's, Fairies, Giants, Talking bears and tigers, Minotaur's and the demon creatures.

"What's going on" Fianna asks.

"I don't know it's strange for them all to be gathered together like this on the edge of the forest" I say, we watch them for a couple of moments longer when a hush comes over the crowd. Out of the shadows more creatures emerge one of each kind of creature that was present stand in a line, they are followed by a large Centaur.

I look over to Fianna and we both look just as confused as the other, but before we can say anything the large Centaur begins to address the crowd.

"Beings of the Forest calm yourself" he says, one of the Faun's step forward.

"Pike, is it true that the wizard Yen has found a way to kill the Dragons." He says, but before he can respond a number of other creatures ask similar questions like what will happen to them if they die, how did they find out, when does he plan to kill them. Pike does not allow anyone else to ask any more questions as he yells for everyone to calm themselves again.

"We do believe that he has found a way to defeat them for once and for all but we have no idea how he plans to defeat them but we all must prepare ourselves" he says, the cowed then erupts in to anger and fright, I look over to Fianna and she looks back over to me.

"No" is all she says, I get up for the place we were hiding with a smile on my face.

"Yes" I say and move to walk out of the forest, behind me I here Fianna curse and follow me out, as I full emerge from the darkness and into the light all eyes are on us.

"I have an idea on what he has planned and how you all can help" I say. I look around to each of the creatures and see that they are shocked to see me, it has been a couple of years since they have seen a human in their home.

"Who are you" Pike asks, I take a step forward to look at him.

"My name is Ava and I am the Chosen Dragon Warrior" I say.

"We heard you were dead how are you alive" he asks, I sigh and begin to explain to him what has happened and my plan.

While I explain my plan to them, I hear mockery from the crowd, I look around to see every creature there laugh except for Pike. I look over to him and he silences the crowd again and turns to me.

"What makes you think your plan will work" he says.

"I don't know if my plan will work but it's the only plan I have. I do know that no matter how this ends we need each other" I say addressing Pike and the other creatures of the forest.

"We will fight but on one condition" he say, I look over to Fianna with hesitation.

"You must show us that you have the power to lead" he says.

"How do I do that" I ask.

"You will fight someone" he says and the crowd cheer.

"I don't want to kill anyone, we need every fighter you have and how dose this test my power to lead" I say confused.

"You wont kill anyone as they will not be real, you will fight the person you would never want to fight and if you bet them it will show that you can put your feelings aside and do what is best for others, that is a true leader" he says, I look over at Fianna and see worry on her face, I give her a reassuring smile then turn back to Pike.

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