Chapter 4

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We get back onto the horse's and keep heading North, we ride for a couple more hours until it starts to get dark.

"How much longer I'm getting tired" I hear Lisa yell, I don't respond, I still have no idea where we are going to go, we ride over a hill and I can see the Lost forest, we ride to the edge of the forest and I tell everyone to get of, before they can say anything I cut of the saddles and supply's and let them go.

"Why did you do that don't we need them?" Lisa askes, then start to hand everyone some supplies to carry.

"We need to get deep into the forest before it gets to dark, they get spooked easily in here and we need to be as quiet as possible" they all look at me with puzzled looks.

"Why are the horse's spooked by a forest and why do we have to be quite" askes Dan.

"This is called the Lost forest, it's rumoured that when you enter you never come out, something in the forest takes you" I turn to see the others stop following me.

"It's just a rumour and there are people who live here that will help us" I say and keep walking.

Slowly I hear the others follow me, we walk for about an hour until it gets to dark, we stop and I make a small fire, I look in one of the soldier's bags and see they have a loaf of bread, I pass it around a share it with the group, I take this time to check in with everyone and see how they are feeling.

"I know today has been a crazy day so if there is anything you would like to ask me now would be the time to do it" eagerly Dan goes first.

"How long where you in our world and why did you go there?"

"I was there for about three years and before I was sent there I was the commander of the Royal army, I helped fight battels and defeat the enemy but the longer I was there I could see the King was not the good guy, I knew someone had to do something before the whole kingdom suffered, but before I could do anything the King and Queen locked me away and tried to have me killed but before they could I was sent here" I respond, its crazy how this all sounds but by the looks on everyone's faces they are slowly coming to terms with the situation.

"How did you get here, did a wizard or something do it?" Lisa asked while eating her bread.

"No there aren't that many wizards in this world and if there are any they are not to be trusted, in this world our Gods are Dragons, they are the most powerful being in the world and there are only 4 there is Ezora the water dragon, Drakoth the earth dragon, Uzin the air dragon and Ember the fire dragon. All the God Dragons have special abilities and when they combine their powers anything is possible." I say with a slight smile on my face remembering them. No one else asks any questions, they are both to tired and confused.

"That's enough for now get some rest" I say, they all settle in for the night and I stay up and keep watch. During the night I hear the noises of creatures in the forest, to most people it would scary but to me it's calming and makes me feel comfortable as I would fall asleep to these noises all the time when I use to live in this world.

As I keep watch I slowly start to fall asleep but all of a sudden I hear rustling getting closer, I am now wide awake and nudge the others to get up, as they wake up I can see they are angry and go to say something but once they see the look on my face they become more alert on what the current situation is, I lean down to them and say.

"Slowly get up and get ready to run" out of the corner of my eyes I can see them getting up and I can see Jace pick up one of the swords we took form the soldiers.

The sound is getting closer and closer until I see the reflection of the moonlight on arrows in the trees, we are now surrounded there is no way I can get everyone out without someone getting hurt, if I was bye myself I could try but there is no way I am leaving them to defend for themselves. I think of the different ways this could go but then decide to take the calm route and talk to whoever is there.

"Who's there" I say into the forest, I see someone slowly walk out of the forest, as they come into the moonlight I can see it's a man, he is about the same size and build as Jace but something about him looks familiar, I then look over his face, body and weapon again to see if there is something on him that would identify who he was. He has a large coat on but the rest of his clothing in plan, I still can't see all the details on his face but I can see he has bright blue eyes that are looking at me, all of a sudden he is only a few feet away and I can see him clearly, he has a dark look on his face but before he can say anything I look at his weapon again and notice that the hilt of the sword has a dragon design and blue gem in it.

All of a sudden I know exactly who they are.

"You're the Keepers of the dragons aren't you" I ask, the man looks shocked he then takes out his sword and aims it at my throat.

"Who are you?" he asks, his eyes are dark and out of the corner of my eyes I can see his men get closer and closer.

"I seek asylum for me and my friends with your chief" this angers him more and he repeats his question.

"Who are you?" I sigh knowing that he will not move until I tell him.

"My name is Ava, I am a friend of your chief Sun" the man then has a confused look on his face.

"Ava?" then realisation comes across his face, he drops his sword and runs over to me and gives me a hug.

"I thought you were dead" he whispers so only I can hear him, he lets me go but is still close to me.

I pause and think for a moment trying to recognise the man standing in front of me, all of a sudden I see him clearly.

"Eldar? Is that you?" he smiles and nods.

"Lower your weapons, she's a friend" we then hug again.

"You grew up so much, you have a beard now" I laugh, when I left, he was a boy and now he is a man.

"Well it has been a long time" he laughs and lets me go.

"Yeah but only 3 years, I didn't change that much, guys relax he's a good guy", I say to my friends, everyone starts to relax and comes over and meet Eldar, I turn back to look at him.

"Ava it's been more than 3 years" Eldar says with a soft voice, I look puzzled at him confused it's been 3 years since I left, I know this, I look up at him.

"How long has it been?" I ask and Eldar hesitates for a moment.

"It's been 10 years", he looks down not knowing what else to say.

I don't know what to say I stumble back, how can it have been 10 years, there's no way.

"Time must be different in the other world" I mumble, now Eldar has a puzzled look on his face.

"I will explain everything later right now I need to get them safe, we had an incident in the king's forest and now they will be looking for us" I say and Eldar gets some of his men to help us get packed up.

We walk for about an hour to get to the village, on the way I hear the others talking with Eldar's men, it's nice to know they are all getting along, Eldar walks next to me.

"Everyone will be so happy to see you, when we heard you died everyone was so upset, it took a long time for everyone to get over you" this brings a smile to my face, but a thought creeps into my head, what has happened in the past 10 year and why bring me back now. I stop in my tracks letting the group walk ahead, Eldar stops as well.

"What happen in the past 10 years?" I ask but Eldar looks hesitant.

"I think it's best for father to tell you" I nod, and we start walking again. We keep walking for a while longer, over the trees I can see the sun start to rise, as we get closer to the village I can hear the noise of the villagers I can hear the sound of people waking up and starting their day, I start to become nervous, what will people think of me being back, will they be happy like Eldar or angry that I left them for so long? I guess there is only one way to find out.  

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