Chapter 3

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I turn back to the group and see them all looking at me with a puzzled look.

"Where's Fangon is it somewhere in Russia?" asks Dan, I take a step back and turn to go back into the forest,

"No, its not in Russia" I say but before I can explain the situation I hear a rumble coming from further inside the forest, all of a sudden a group of soldiers appear out of nowhere on horses. Everyone comes to stand behind me not knowing what to do in this situation.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the king's forest without an invitation" says the soldier in the middle, confused I step forward.

"Since when did you need and invitation to stand somewhere" I say, this then angers the head soldier.

"How dare you speak to me like that you useless peasant I am a soldier in the Royal army" he then reaches for his sword. The others back away not like how this conversation has gone, I however step forward not scared of this pre-pubescent twat. I look to the others and see how sacred and confused they are, now is not the time to start a fight I need to explain to them what is going on and this is not the way it should be done.

"My apology's, we are just simple travellers and got lost we will be out of the king's forest in a moment", the head soldier then smirks.

"The King and Queen have decreed that anyone who enters the kings forest without an invitation is an enemy of the kingdom and should be executed or imprisoned immediately and I don't feel like dragging you all back to the castle" the other soldiers draw their swords, I hear a scream behind me and turn to see an arrow drawn at Lisa and Dan.

Before I even realize what I am doing I turn and attack the soldiers before they can attack us, I kick one soldier so he falls of his horse and drops his sword, I grave it before he can and slice it against his head, I hear more screams behind me now that I have just killed someone in front of my friends. I don't stop as I know the soldiers are coming for me, I fight them of and as I think I have killed them all I turn to see the head of the soldiers with a bow and arrow drawn at me, before I take a step towards him he shoots the arrow at me, just as its about to impale me in the stomach I grave it, this shocks not only the soldier and my friends but also me, this means I now have some of my old abilities speed and strengths.

I look up and smirk at the soldier and throw the arow back at him and it hits him in his side, I walk over to him.

"Who the hell are you?" he asks I raise my sword but hear a gasp from my friends, not able to kill another person in front of them I go to turn away but before I do I whisper to the solider.

"Run before you find out" I say. He has a shocked look on his face, and he wastes no time as he gets up and runs to his horse and rides back into the forest.

Knowing we need to get far away from this place I start to pick up as many weapons and supply's as I can.

"We need to get away from this place asap, it won't take long for him to get back to the castle and get reinforcements, does anyone know how to ride a hose we have 3 we can use" I don't hear a reply from the group and turn to see them still in shock, some are looking at me, some are looking at the men on the ground.

"Listen I know that what just happened looks crazy but once I explain everything you will understand, but right now we have to go" I say and going back to loading up one of the horses.

"No, you need to explain now, Ava you just killed a bunch of men for no reason" Jace said stepping forward to confront me.

I sigh, we don't have time for this.

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