Chapter 26

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Before I know what is happening Yen is right in front of me and uses his power to hold me in my place.

"You have taken everything from me" he yells at me.

"No you did this to yourself, if you and the queen treated the others with respect and kindness then none of this would of happened" I yell back, this then angers Yen and he picks up my sword and aims it at my head.

"Today you will die" he says, before he can even swing my sword I use the power the Gods gave me to break free, this causes Yen to stumble backwards and drop my sword.

"No today I win" I say, I take a step towards him and let the power take over me, golden light comes around me, I look around and see that it is an outline of a dragon, my inner dragon, I smirk and turn to Yen and see that fear evident on his face but he soon removes it and also has a small smirk on his face, he then uses his own power and creates a dark purple light to come around him taking the shape of another dragon, however his is slightly smaller than mine.

"You will never be a match for me, you forget I studied from the Gods, I know all there tricks" he yells.

"Well you don't know mine" I say and use my power to fly up and crash through the glass roof that Leon and I crash through the other day, I did not notice that we where in the same room, the other day it looked so bright and lively but today it was cold and lonely. I continue to fly up in the sky and look down to see Yen is following me, good I did not want anyone else to get hurt today, well except for Yen.

"What's wrong Yen can't keep up" I yell and look back to see Yen more angry the before, we continue to fly through the sky and Yen try's to hit me with balls on magic but I doge them, I then send my own ball of magic to him but he also doges it, I curse at myself but I soon have a crazy idea, I then quickly change directions and fly straight to Yen and try and throw another ball of magic at him but he doges it again and turns around to catch up to me again.

As we fly through the sky, I look down to see the battle field it looks so different in such a short amount of time. The Gods where right, there army was defeated I can see a lot of the Royal guard's surrendering and the great army cheering. Yen sees that I am distracted and uses this time to catch up and use his power to hit me. Pain comes over me and my dragon within disappears, I am now falling towards the ground, I try and concentrate and regain the power of my inner dragon, as I come closer to the ground the army now begin to notice me and begin to move out of the way.

"Come on" I say to myself, the ground is closer now and just before I hit it my power returns and I use it to slow down but I still hit the ground hard, the crowd gasp and I can see that Yen has also landed and is now laughing to himself.

Pain in running through me but I still get up, I yell in pain as I stand causing the crowd to look at me concerned.

"Give up and I will give you a quick death" he says.

"No I will never give up, they need to be free, they need to live in a world with out so much pain and heart break, they need to be rid of people like you" I say and slowly walk towards him, Yen smirks and creates small balls of magic to make me fall over again, I slowly get up again and as I get to my feet I see the other leaders and Gods running our of the palace gates and run over to us.

I smile to myself, they all look concerned and are willing to give up their lives for me and I am willing to do the same for them.

"You know even if I die today, I will still have something you will never have" I say and turn back to Yen.

"What's that" he asks.

"A family" I say, Yen then yells as I killed his love and son today, he then reaches down and picks up a sword from a fallen solder and uses his speed to attack me, I also use my speed to reach him, from our collision a bright light is created and we both fall back on to the ground.

I look down to see Yen's sword has cut through my armour and is impaled in my side. I am in shock, I don't hear the others yell to me, I look over to Yen to see him getting up. I can only see his back but as he turns around, I can see my dagger sticking out from his chest. Yen takes it out and takes a step towards me but falls back down, I turn to lay on my back I know that Yen is now gone, and we have won just as I had predicted with my plan.

Eldar is the first one to reach me and he looks me over, but I can see the fear and concern in his eyes. I can see that he is trying to tell me something but I can't hear him, I look around and all the other leaders and Gods are surrounding me, I lift up my hand to Uzin who is now awake, he must understand what I want them to do and he kneels down next to me and takes my hand, I can see that he is now saying something and I turn to see the other Gods saying the same thing.

Eldar then becomes more upset as he has just realised what they are doing, they are taking all there power back, as they finish taking back there power I can now hear the others and the pain in my side is now unbearable.

"What are you doing help her" I hear Eldar say to Uzin, Uzin dose not say anything and begin to walk back to the other Gods. I reach for Eldar's hand and he looks back down at me, I can see that he has tears in his eyes.

"I have never seen you cry before" I say to him, he softly chuckles

"I cried after I thought you were dead years ago" he says as a whisper so only I can hear him.

I never realised that Eldar has the most beautiful eyes some times they look green other times they look deep blue, I take my hand from his and reach up to touch his face, tears are now slowly falling from his eyes, he quickly wipes them before anyone else can see them fall and I chuckle but the pain in my side is to much and I start to cough, I then take my hand away from Eldar's face and place it on my chest, after I have finished coughing I turn to look at Eldar again.

"Please don't cry for me, smile for me" I say with a small smile, Eldar then gives give me a smile and takes my hand in his again, I then turn to the other leaders.

"Please don't make the same mistakes as others have made, work together, rebuild together" I say to them and they all nod in agreement. I fully believe that Fangon is in the right hands with them, they all have different strengths and weaknesses and can build a bigger and better Fangon. I then turn to the Gods.

"Send them back then help them put Fangon back together and don't leave them again" I say they also give me a small nod, Fangon was at it's worst when the Gods his and everyone thought they were nothing but myth, there people need them as much as they need there people. I look around the growing crowd smiling to myself, my eyes then land on Fianna and I mouth thank you to her and motion towards Eldar, Fianna understand what I mean, which is for her to look after him.

I then lay fully on my back and look up at the sky. The sun is now setting, and the most beautiful sunset as come over the sky.

"We won" I whisper as I close my eyes.  

Fangon - The Quest for PeaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang