Chapter 7

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Hours have passed since I left the forest, as I turn around, I can't even see the forest any more, all I can see is mountains and a river. The river is the first step to see the Gods, first you must drink from the hidden pool to cleans yourself of evil, then you must go to the cave of peril to test your bravery finally then you must find the secret garden and pray to the Gods, for them to show you the rest of the way, over the years I have been told that only one other person has been shown the way.

This is why the villagers were sad to see me leave, they knew most people never return from this journey, however I know something that only 2 other people in the whole world know. The journey you must take to see the Gods Dragons is fake, the God's came up with this to make people believe they are not worthy so they would be left alone as humanity has let them down too many times.

When I was a younger, I was an orphan, I had no idea who my family were. For years and years, I searched for information on who my family were, I soon found out they were one of the Keepers of the God Dragons and when I was a child the King killed them because they would not share the true location of the God's. As soon as I found out I began looking for the Village of the Dragon Keepers but I soon found out that others called this the Hidden Village as you don't find it they find you.

After months of not finding them I left the castle in a fit of rage and rode throughout the lands, after days in the Lost forest Sun soon found me. He told me all about my parents and how my mother was chosen by the Gods, this meant she would help bring order to the world but she died before she could.

I was so angry with everyone the King, my parents, Sun and the God's I was so angry I left the village and rode through the forest to the highest mountain, I had no idea why I went there, but I soon found out that the God's guided me there. I met them all for hours we argued, talked, and made plans. I was declared the next chosen but before I could do anything the King tried to kill me, the God's not wanting to loss another chosen warrior sent me to earth. If they can send me there, they can send my friends there so I can put the world back in order and bring peace to the land.

After riding for hours, I have reached the foot of the mountain, I take some of the supplies of the horse and tie him to a tree. If I take him up the mountain the God's will spook him or eat him. As I begin the climb to the top of the mountain I hear rustling from the woods, before I know it an arrow is flying towards me, I doge it and draw my sword, the arrow hits the tree behind me and spooks the horse, I can see some one behind a tree, I turn and remove the arrow from the tree and throw it at the tree the person is hiding behind, this causes them to jump from the tree and fall to the ground, I take this opportunity to disarm them, but I am to slow.

The person now has risen to their feet and has drawn another arrow, I look over at them and see that it is a women, she has a mask covering the lower half of her face, she is dressed in an all-black outfit but one thing stands out to me, she is holding one of the villages dragon bows. Only a Keeper of the Dragons can use these weapons.

"Who are you, I know you are from the Keepers of the Dragons village in the Lost forest, I'm a friend." I say holding my hands up in surrender, she does not say anything.

"I'm guessing you are the Keeper of the way" I say, this causes her to tighten her grip on the bow but she still does not say anything.

"Look at my horse, it was given to me by one of the villages it has the Dragon emblem on the saddle" for the first time she looks way from me and looks over to the horse, I can just see her eyes and shock and anger come over them.

"What are you doing with my brother's horse, he never lets anyone ride him" she says taking a step towards me.

"Eldar is your brother, that means your, no it can't be" I say shocked tears coming to my eyes.

"Little Lily" I whisper so only she can hear me.

"Only one person has ever called me Little Lily when my name is Fianna" she says putting down her bow.

"Ava?" she asks, before we know it we are holding each other, tears spilling from our eyes. Fianna was 9 years old when I was last here and now, she is a young women and also Keeper of the way.

We take a moment to catch up and I explain to her the events that have happened recently and my departure from this world 10 years.

"Little Lily as much as I would love to talk to you for hours I have to go and talk to the God's

"I understand I will grant you passage for the way I will stay here and watch your horse"

I leave her and begin my way to the mountain. As I reach the top of the mountain the sun begins to rise, I take a moment to appreciate the view from the top, I can see a village in the distance, the mountains and a river, I forgot how beautiful this would was.

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