Chapter 9

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(My idea of Eldar)

"What do you mean you never killed them" Eldar asks as he begins to rise from where he was sitting on the floor. I look over at Sun and Moon and see that they are just as shocked and confused as everyone else. I motion for Eldar to sit back on the floor and I do the same and sit off to the side so I can see everyone.

"When the king sent me the first time to defeat them, I noticed that they were being led by an Orc that was cruel and did not care about his men, I also notice that they were only following him out of fear. I told the King about this, but he was very ill, he was becoming delusional and forced me to return to the Orcs and not to come home until I killed every single one of them. I knew that not all of them where evil and they were being forced to fight, it would not of been fare to kill all of them because of one evil ruler. So I left by myself to negotiate with the Orc ruler." I take a moment a reflex on the conversation I had with the ruler, this causes me to chuckle lightly.

"Let's just say that this did not go so well, after an hour of arguing and torturing he agreed for an old fashion fight, our best warrior against there's, I volunteered to fight and out of pride and stubbornness he also volunteered. The deal was that if I win they leave this land peacefully but if they won the land would be there's, we fought for a while until I was moments from death, the Gods then took this moment to choose me as there warrior, with the strength they gave me I was able to defeat the Orc ruler. After the fight the orcs selected a new ruler, and old and wise warrior, we talked and he had explained to me that the world they originally came from was destroyed because of the old ruler, most of the Orcs here are just looking for a new start, we then agreed to peace. But I knew that the King would not accept this, so I decided to I hid them until I could convince the King they were not all bad, I never told anyone not even the Gods about what happened to make sure they all would be safe. The new ruler helped me fake their deaths so everyone would believe I defeated them all" I say.

After I have finished explaining what happed to them, I wait for their response, Jace is the first one to respond.

"Wow I had no idea you where such a badass" this causes me to laugh, the others agree but Sun and Moon have not said anything, they take a moment and look over at each other.

"Well done Ava, you have shown that the Gods made the right chose with choosing you to be there warrior" Moon says as she stands from her seat.

"Come, let's let the others talk" she motions for my friends to follow her, but before they leave I stand.

"I promise that I will get you all home" I say they smile.

"We know" Alice says the turns to leave with Moon, the others follow her out the hut.

Sun, Eldar, Fianna and I began discussing and making plans for war. We are now gathered around a small table with a map on top of it, we plan to go around the land and meet with all the different races and inform them of the current issue and hopefully get them to join the army.

"Where do you plan to have everyone meet, the Royal family have eyes everywhere" Eldar says motioning towards the map.

"We should not have any large gatherings until we are ready to strike, your right it won't take long for them to find out what we are doing, I think we should have everyone gather at the foot of the Red Mountain at the next full moon, that way we have a couple of weeks to meet with everyone and get ready ourselves." I say pointing to a picture of a mountain on the map.

The red mountain is located near the kingdom, if we meet on the other side of the mountain then we can surprise them.

"Who do plan of visiting after you see the orcs" Sun asks.

"Well I think I need to talk to the people who have the second largest army, it will take them a couple of days to get all of there people ready" I say leaning my hands on the table and stare at the map.

"And who would that be" Fianna asks.

"The Elves" Suns answers, I look up to see them all looking up at me.

"Ava you can't go there didn't the King try and kill you" Eldar says moving from his spot and walking over to me.

"We had a slight disagreement" I say not wanting to elaborate.

"About what" Fianna asks, I sigh and reluctantly answer.

"Marriage. The Elvin Kings wanted my hand in marriage, I declined, we got in a fight but resolved it, kind of." I say while laughing, Eldar has a shocked expression on his face.

"Before you say anything yes I know it is dangerous but I have known the King for a long time and yes we have had our ups and downs but he owes me and Elves keep their promises" I say but he does not reply, he only nods.

We then go on to discuss the plan further, but we make no plans for the battle as we will include the leaders of the different races in this discussion. After hours of planning we finish and then head to our designated huts, but before I enter mine Fianna calls for me, she is standing over at the marked tree, I walk over and join her.

"You know when you left everyone was so devastated, you where the hero they needed." She says.

"I know Eldar told me about all the hard ship you all have had to go through, I'm sorry I should have been here" I say and turn to look at her, she is no the little girl I left years ago she is now a strong women.

"Eldar was probably the worst, he looked up to you so much, whenever you would train together he would never shut up about it, it got pretty annoying" Fianna say with a sheepish grin on her face.

"He is so different now, before I left he was a young adult looking for trouble but now he is so responsible, just look at the way he handled that meeting" I say, Eldar has grown up so much, I am only now taking the time to really look at how far he has grown. I turn look at Fianna again and see that she is looking at me with a look that I can't read.

We say goodnight and turn to go back to ourhuts, as I enter, I see that everyone is comfortable sleeping. I waste no timeand get into bed and fall asleep straight away. 

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