Chapter 22

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I lie awake in my makeshift bed staring at the roof of the tent trying to comprehend the dream I just had. It was about the battle, but it was not the plan that I had organised with the leaders, it was a new plan it was a better plan. In the past I have had dreams like this telling me to do something, sometimes it was the Gods trying to send me a message and other times it was my own mind trying to tell me something, this time I don't know if it was me or the Gods but I know that we need to change our plan.

I get out of bed and get dressed in some plain pants and large t-shirt, I need to talk to the leaders about this plan, as I exit the tent I can see that most of the army is up, I make my way to the main tent to see all the leaders included Eldar standing waiting for me with a scowl on there faces.

"What's wrong" I ask, they don't respond, Eldar motions for us to go into the main tent.

"Last night I sent two scouts to the castle and when they got back this morning they told us that the Queen has assembled her army" he says, I look at him in shock and look at all the other leaders for confirmation.

"I don't understand how they could get there army together so fast, we have only been gathered for a day" Thrana says out of frustration, I still don't say anything still in shock and confused, Eldar turns to me.

"Ava?" he asks, I shake my head focusing on the current conversation.

"They would have had to known for a while to get there army together that fast" I say look up at them.

"So we have a rat" Fang says with a growl.

"Last night I had a dream that this would happen, and our original plan would not work out, I then had a dream of a new plan" I say.

"Just because one thing has gone wrong you think we should back out" Fen says, I move to remove some the wooden pieces from the map.

"No not back out completely we just change it slightly. The battle will still take place here but we have lost the element of surprise, and we needed that to stop Yen now we need a new way to stop him" I say and place the wooden pieces in new places on the map.

"So what do you have in mind" asks Pike.

"After each full moon the King and Queen would have ball for the high-ranking people in the Kingdom, today I will go and crash the ball" I say, Eldar is the first to object.

"No that is crazy they will kill you" he says moving next to me.

"No they wont there will be an audience there and they want to make sure people still think highly of them, I will go and inform them of why we are here and give them the option to not fight and be imprisoned or our best warrior agents there's" I say and look over at Fang as this was how I stopped his leader.

"You know they won't chose ether option, they wont admit defeat and they wont fight one on one if you are our best warrior" Eldar says.

"Exactly they would rather use there people to fight then die or live in prison for the rest of there lives and how do you think there army will feel when they find out there Rulers wont fight for them" I say with a smile on my face.

"You destroy them from the inside" Eldar's says with a small smile.

"Yes, then when we fight tomorrow we tell them to put down there weapons as we have no issues with them, some of them still might want to fight but this might put a dint in their numbers" I say.

"Yes, that's good but how do we stop Yen he still has his magic" Thrana asks.

"That is still a mystery, he uses magic from the dragons and there magic has no weakness but I think if we get him alone and if we all attack him at once then we will defeat him" I say looking down on the map.

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