Chapter 11

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I feel someone nudge my shoulder and I wake up and move to grave my sword, Fianna graves my arm.

"Hey, it's just me, the sun will rise soon, I thought we should leave now and get a head start on the day" she says, I sit up and calm down.

"Your right give me a moment" I say and start to slowly get up. I look around at my friends and see that they are still asleep, I decide not to wake them, they have been working hard in the village and trying to adjust to this world, they need all the rest they can get and if I wake them then they will get upset and not go back to sleep.

Fianna and I finish gathering all our supply's and place them on the horse we will be using, I have learnt that the horse Eldar gave me is named Night and Fianna's horse is named Henna. As we saddle up the horses, I see Eldar exiting his hut and walking over to us.

"Will you send word once you have gained the support from the leaders" he asks.

"It won't be safe, if we send word, they might find the village or intercept the message and we will lose the element of surprise." Fianna response.

"She's right. If we are not back by the next full moon, then you need to abort the plan and stay hidden." I say, he nods and steps back so I can get on Night.

"Be safe both of you" He says with a slight smirk on his face, Fianna laughs.

"We will try, but no promises" she then rides off out of the village, I say goodbye to Eldar and join Fianna.

We ride for hours until we pass a river.

"Let's stop and let them rest" I say, we get of the horse and let them rest and I get out the map Sun gave me.

"How long until we get to the orcs" Fianna asks.

"You see that mountain" I say and point to a mountain in the distance.

"Hell Mountain yeah I see it." She says standing to get a better view of the mountain.

"I found them a home under it" I say.

"What but isn't it all caves" she asks.

"No not really, most people don't know that the mountain is actually an extinct volcano, in the middle there is a hidden cave I found when I was a kid, in that cave there is a large area with running water and a small forest. I thought that would be the best place to hid them as I was the only person that knew about it" I say as Fianna passes me an apple to eat.

"Wow that is such a good idea" she says we continue to eat in silence, after we have finished eating, we get back on the horses.

"We should reach the mountain by nightfall" I say as we ride. I watch as the mountain is getting closer and closer, I then start to become nervous, will they remember me, will they be truthful to their word. Fianna must of know how I was feeling because she then changes the topic and tells me a story of when she was first made the Keeper of the Way. After she tells me her story we laugh and continue to ride in comfortable silence.

After riding for hours, we finally make it to the foot of the mountain and the sun has now set.

"Should we rest before we go in" Fianna asks.

"Yeah that's a good idea, in case anything goes wrong we will need all of our strength" I say as we tie the horse to a nearby tree, I then hand her a piece of bread and we sit on the ground and eat. After we both have finished and have rested, we gather our weapons and I make a makeshift touch and make our way to a hidden cave.

"So, what's the plan do we just walk in a hope they don't kill us" Fianna asks quietly which makes me chuckle.

"No, the only way we get in is for them to let us in" I say and she looks at me confused, but before she can ask me a follow up question we reach the end of the cave. I move and throw a small rock down a hole in the wall.

"What did you just do?" Fianna asks moving to stand next to me.

"I just rang the doorbell" I say not taking my eyes of the door.

"What's a doorbell" she asks

"Oh that's right it's from the other world, it's a thing that lets people on the other side of the door know you're here. The rock I just tossed falls down a hole which will tell them someone's in the cave." I say and see nods.

After a moment I start to hear a loud noise coming from the other side of the door, I motion for Fianna to stand back, the wall in now banging and all of a sudden the wall opens and two large Orcs stand forward armed, Fianna goes to reach for her weapon but I motion for her not to do anything.

"Thangool" is all I say, it's meant to be a key word for them to know who I was but they become more angry.

"Who are you" they say, I sigh in frustration.

"What's the point of having a secret word if you don't know it" I say, one of the Orcs steps forward and puts his spear to my neck, the other Orc pauses for a moment and realisation comes across his face.

"Are you her" he says, I nod not wanting to anger the other Orc.

"Put down your weapon, my father will want to see her" he says, the other Orc reluctantly puts his weapon down, but does not take his eyes off me.

"You must be Fangs son Mangrul, I met you when you were a child" I say and walk over to him.

"Yes, please let's go in we need to shut the wall" he says and Fianna and I step in and watch the orcs shut and lock the stone door.

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