Chapter 21

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I toss and turn all night not able to sleep, I am soon awaken by an awful smell, I get up and see a large plie of horse dung near my make shift bed, that's right I forgot I decided to sleep in the stables last night.

"Did you have to go right next to me" I say to my horse and get up, the horse moves next to me and I pet it.

"Gods I can't stay mad at you" I say while laughing, I then begin to saddle my horse ready for the journey today.

"Gods what stinks" I here Fianna behind me, she has not notice me until she turns to her right.

"Did you sleep in here all night" she asks and begins to walk over to me, and once she reaches me she then takes a couple steps back and covers her nose.

"Wow you stink, I will take that as a yes" she says, I laugh and continue to pack my supplies on my horse.

"So are you going to tell me why you slept in here, did it have something to do with my brother because he left hour's ago to set up the camp site" she asks.

"No, it wasn't him, I had a fight with my friends and didn't want to be near anyone for a bit" I say.

"Okay, well everyone is going to be getting ready to leave soon, so go and have a bath, I will finish packing" she says taking my supplies from my hand and pushing me from the stables.

As I walk to the women's wash room I look around to see most people in the village starting to pack, everyone has a small smile on there face but in their eyes I can see they are worried about what is about to happen. As I reach the washroom and begin to have a bath I think about what I should say to them, I don't want to fill them with false hope but I don't want them to think that this will be easy. I also need to talk to my friends, I know they are mad at me right now, but they need to stay here and be safe.

I sigh softly to myself and sink to the bottom of my bath, after a couple of minutes my bath begins to get cold and I decide to get out. As I dry myself, I hear a knock on the door.

"Ava it's me" I hear Moon says softly from the other side of the door.

"Come in" I say after I wrap the towel around my body, she enters with two other women who are carrying a large chest, as soon as they place it down, they leave the room.

"I thought it would be good for you to wear something special today to unite and motivate everyone" she says look at the chest.

I move forward to the chest, when I open it, I fall to my knees.

"How did you" I ask in shock.

"This old woman still has some tricks up her sleeves" she says with a smile on her face, she then moves to leave the room but before she dose she turns to me.

"Welcome back Ava the Chosen Dragon Warrior" she says as she leaves the room.

I look back down at the chest, in the chest is all my previous armer and weapons. Both my weapons and armer was given to me by the Gods, my armer is made from golden dragon scales which is the strongest material in this world. My armer looks like a dress, it come up to my neck and goes down to my knees, however I have arm and leg shields for the areas that my armer doesn't cover. After I put it on I then place my hair up in a messy ponytail and then move back over to the chest to see my weapons, I have a small dagger that I place in my left leg shield, I then reach for my bow and arrows, I pull my bow to make sure it has not broken and inspect all the arrows, I then place them down to my side as I will tie them to my horse. Lastly I reach for my sword, this sword has gone into many battles with me and has never let me down, it is a long sword and the hilt is made out of gold and leather with a dragon design on it, the blade part of my sword also has a dragon design on it, I also inspect it and then place it on my side.

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