Chapter 5

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As we enter the gates of the village all the towns people stop what they are doing and star at us, it's not every day new people come into the village. We begin walking to the main area of the village which is a large tree with markings of the God Dragons on it, while walking the crowd starts to follow us and I can hear a slight whisper amongst them, presumably about who we are and what we are doing here.

When we get to the carved tree the whispers stop, I look up to see that everyone is not looking at us anymore but are looking at one of the huts. Through the crowd I can see an older man and women making their way towards us. As they come closer the crowd start to kneel including Eldar and his men. Realisation then hits me of who this older man and women are, I don't say anything out of shock, before I know what I am doing I fall to the ground and can hear the others do the same. Once they reach us, I don't look up to meet their gaze, I can't out of shame.

"Eldar why have you brought outsiders hear, you know the law" the older man says, when he speaks tears threaten to spill from my eyes. Eldar stands up and walks towards the man, he whispers something to him, the older man doesn't say anything at first then takes a step towards me and falls to the ground, I still don't look up, the tears in my eyes have now fallen down my face. The man wraps his hands around me and pulls me into a hug.

"My child" his all he says, I finally look up to meet his gaze and I can't control myself any longer, I begin to sob into the man's neck and cling to him.

Realisation comes over the older women when she sees my face, she looks to Eldar for confirmation, he has a smile on his face and nods. The older man and I compose ourselves and stand, once I am standing the older women pulls me into a hug and begins to cry. The older man then turns to addresses the crowd.

"My people our Ava has returned to us", at first the crowd is shocked but then begin to applaud and cheer. The women lets go of me and I motion for the others to stand, the all look shocked at the reaction of the crowd and my reaction to the older man and women.

The older man motions for us to move into the hut they just exited from. We all follow him and as we move throughout the crowd, I can hear people welcoming me back and asking me what happened, I can't fight the smile on my face anymore, it's so nice to be back.

Once we all enter the hut the older man and women sit at the head of the room on the floor on their designated pillows, Eldar sits next to me on the floor and I can hear everyone else sitting behind us. For a moment no one says anything, still in shock from what has just happened. Before anyone says anything, I make introductions.

"Everyone this the village chief and his wife Sun and Moon, there also Eldar's adoptive parents. Sun these are some friends I have made while I was away Alice, Jace, Lisa, Tony and Dan" they all great Sun and Moon.

After a moment Sun begins to speak.

"Ava, please what happened all those years ago and why have you returned", I then go on to explain the situation to Sun and Moon, I tell them how the King and Queen tried to have me killed, then how the God Dragons saved me then brought me to earth and I also tell them of my life there and how for me it's only been 3 years.

"I have no idea how we were brought here and why but when we arrived, we were at the edge of the king's forest where we were attacked by some of the Royal soldiers".

Sun dose not say anything, none of them do, they all share a look that I can't read, I start to become frustrated.

"Sun what has happened since I have been gone, the people are scared and soldiers are rude, even the land looks ill".

"Ava like I said before in this world it's been a long time, war has destroyed the land" Eldar response, shocked that a war has destroyed the land so much I turn to Sun for more information.

"He's right, it has been a long time and a lot has changed since you left" he pauses for a moment debating on whether or not to continue, but he continue to inform me on what has happened in the past 10 years.

"After you left the King waged war on most of the land, craving more power he won battle after battle, until the only resistance left where the creature of the forest, the elves, dwarfs, witches, beasts and demons. He would say that they were an abomination and the world should be cleansed of them. Not able to defeat him they hid, we have not heard from them for many years now and unsure they are alive" Sun paused as he was becoming emotional of the friends he has lost due to the war, Moon continued for him.

"We sent out our best fighters to help but they never came back, we made sure we were hidden so he would never find us, if he had the powers of the Gods, who knows what would happen. Thankfully he died a couple of months ago, no one knows how he died but the Queen has taken over until the prince is coronated in a couple of weeks, but the rumour is the prince believes one of the creatures in the forest killed the King and plan to wage another war to kill them all."

I take a moment to take all this information in, if I had killed him when I had a chance then I could have spared so many people from heart ache.

"I am so sorry, I promise I will help put the land back together again but right now I have to get my friends back to their world, there not safe here" I say and turn to look at them, they all look so tired and scared, they have to go back if something bad happens to them here I won't forgive myself.

"I understand and thank you, with your help we might have a chance" Moon says with a small smile on her face.

"To find answers you must seek out the Gods, if they didn't bring you back, they may know who did" Moon says.

"As soon as we arrived here I know I would have to go see them, but the way there is very dangerous, and with how much people have changed it will be so much worse, I can't take them with me" I look back at the group with a sad look.

"Any friends of yours are welcome here, but they will be put to work" Moon says as she gets up and examines them all, she then goes to walk out the door, I thank her and motion for them to follow her, Eldar also follows them out the room.

After everyone leaves the room it is just me and Sun, he stands up and motions for me to stand and follow him over to the window. We stare out the window for a moment and watch all the people do their work.

"I was thinking about you the other day, and the first day you came here" I laugh.

"Gods I was such a brat back then" Sun also laughs.

"Yes you where, but you have grown so much since then, when you first came here you were angry and confused but over time you learnt how to take control over your emotions and your story. Your parents would be proud of how far you have come" he says with a smile, Sun has always been there for me guiding me, I will never be able to repay him for what he has given me. We continue to watch the village for a moment longer until I excuse myself to find my friends and make perpetrations for my travel to see the God Dragons.

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