Chapter 4 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

"You sure it's her?" I heard a faint whisper in the distance.

What's happening? I tried opening my eyes but my eyelids felt so heavy and my body felt exhausted. My head felt like someone kept hitting me with a pan over and over again.

"I'm positive it's her or else the boss would never bring her here" another voice spoke silently.

Boss? What is going on? Am I having another nightmare?

I tried to move my arms but something was preventing me to do so. I forced my eyes to open succeeding this time as I took a peek around me.

I was in a dark place, pitch dark. I felt my heart rate pick its pace as my breathing fastened. Dark rooms terrify me.

I start struggling, wiggling my legs and arms trying to break free. I was tied up to a chair. What is this place, why am I even here? And why am I all tied up? Tears pooled in my eyes as I kept struggling until I heard a click of a door unlocking. My breath hitched in my throat. Someone's here, I'm not alone anymore.

I panicked as my movements came to a halt hearing heavy and steady footsteps nearing me, my lower lip trembled in fear.

Suddenly a switch is flipped on giving the slightest bit of light right above my head, I still can't see my surroundings because the light is pretty dull but there's a chair placed right in front of me.

I whip my head around to see who brought me here and why. It can't be him right?? He can't find me, I made sure to cover my tracks properly its impossible for him to find me.

Then I hear a clicking sound of a gun that froze me. I felt something cold press at the top of my head, a gun on my head. My heart dropped, that's it I'm gonna die tonight, right here and no one will ever find me.

"Now I want you to answer my questions as truly as you possibly can or I won't hesitate to empty this gun in your tiny little head" a deep voice grumbled from behind me causing a cold shiver to run down my spine.

I tried to speak but my voice had abandoned me, my body started trembling in the horror of every possible threat this man had to offer.

The man walked around standing right in front of me hovering over me, I still couldn't see his face properly because he was huge and the light in this room was so dim.

He bent down getting down to my eye level, staring into my eyes with such hate and anger that I can't describe it in words, his cold stare was enough to make me tremble. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath fan on my face.

"Where are they?" He asked not breaking eye contact, staring right into my soul. Who?

"W-who?" I managed to stutter out, my heart was beating so loud that I bet even he could hear it.

"Tsk tsk wrong answer little one" in a swift motion something was placed against my throat, something cold and sharp. A knife!

"I'll ask again" he whispered applying pressure on the knife against my skin, it hurt and it was obvious that he won't hesitate to kill me if I don't give him what he wants. But even I don't know what he wants!

"Where. Are. They?" He asked again applying more pressure after every word he spoke.

Tears threatened to spill as I felt blood trickle down my throat. My vision was getting a bit blurry with every passing second, I felt like suffocating in his presence.

"I-i don't k-know who you're t-talking about, p-please let me go" I croaked out sobbing slightly, I'm scared for my life, this man won't give a single thought before slitting my throat open.

"I don't fucking like to repeat myself!" He roars adding more pressure on the dagger making me cry out in pain.

"Please I swear I d-dont know who y-you're talking a-about!" I cried out, my lungs were closing in, I was having a panic attack, and I could feel my body trembling vigorously.

"Listen to me here" he shouted grabbing my jaw harshly and forcing me to look into his eyes "I hate liars, so if you value yours and your loved one's life, I want the goddamn truth, understand?" He spoke keeping a tight hold on my jaw as well as digging the knife deeper into my throat, I'm afraid if he applies any more pressure I'm dead for good.

"UNDERSTAND!?" He shouted in my face making my soul leave my body literally, I nodded fastly.

"Words!" He growled angrily.

"U-understood" I whimpered as my lower lip was trembling and tears were rolling down my cheeks none stop at this point.

"Good girl" he said with a sinister smirk and removed the knife from my throat and let go of my jaw.

"If you think you're protecting them by not telling me their whereabouts, you're so very wrong you puttana" he spoke taking a seat right in front of me.

"B-believe me I don't k-know who y-you're talking about i-" my words got stuck in my throat as he abruptly grabbed my throat choking me, he clearly didn't want to hear what I said.

"Didn't I just fucking say how much I hate when people lie to me?!" he roared tightening his hold around my throat, I couldn't breathe, stars were starting to appear in my eyes, and I couldn't utter a word.

My body was shaking hard and my heart was beating abnormally. My eyelids started getting heavy.

"P-pleas-" my words were cut off by my painful scream as he stabbed the knife down my thigh slitting it open.

"I will fucking find them and when I do" he started to push the knife even deeper making me scream out more "I will make you all pay for fucking with Me. I will tear you limb by limb with my bare fucking hands, remember that!" He spat on my face disgustingly and let go of my throat as I started coughing hard trying to get a hold of my breath.

"You didn't talk today but I promise you cagna soon you'll be telling me everything." He pulled the bloody knife out standing up straight and walked away vanishing in the darkness.

I was crying in pain, my thigh was throbbing, and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer so I gave in to the darkness and let it consume me.

And my last thought was what is going to happen to me now? Was this how a girl's night out was supposed to end?


I really hope y'all liked this chapter, if so please do leave a vote and comment.
Lovely reading fellas.
Peace out ✌

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