Chapter 50 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

I finally slept peacefully after what felt like ages of nightmares, I didn't have a nightmare nor did I got scared, not once did I wake up in between.

I was cuddled up in warmth as if an angel wrapped its wings around me, keeping me protected from any possible danger.

The bright sunlight peering through the curtains caused me to frown and flutter open my eyes open slowly.

The moment I gathered my surroundings I was majorly disappointed when I didn't see Xavier. Was it all just a dream?

I was rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself when the door of my room busted open and walked in Skyler with a bat in her hands, ready to attack.

"Where is he? Did he hurt you?" She rushed around inspecting my room behind the curtains and under my bed while I looked at her dumbfounded. Is she talking about Xavier?

She rushed to me and held me by my shoulders inspecting me. An involuntary smile broke on my lips and I pulled her into a tight hug catching her off guard.

"I'm fine Sky" I mumbled, my voice slightly raspy and rough.

She immediately pulled back and looked at me in disbelief.

"Say that again" she begged, eyes tearing up.

"I'm fine Sky" I repeated, a little louder this time, hearing my voice after so long.

She pulled me in a tight hug and I wrapped my arms around her just as tightly while I could feel her tears soaking my shirt, tears of my own escaped my eyes.

"I fucking missed you calling me that" she cursed making me let out a soft chuckle at her choice of words.

"We're so celebrating today, I'm so God damn happy" she pulled back wiping her face and I just chuckled.

"You and me, we're having a sleepover tonight" she ordered me.

"We live together Sky" I chuckled at her.

"So? We're having pillow fights and a girl's night, we're doing every possible childish and stupid thing we can" she clapped her hands in excitement and I smiled seeing her so happy after so long.

Agreeing with her I got out of bed and followed her out of the room just to stop in my tracks when I saw a couple of men standing in the lounge.

"They came to fix the door" she answered my unasked questions and I frowned.

"What happened to the door?" I asked frowning and she seemed to get nervous for a second before speaking.

"When I came home it was broken, I thought Xavier was here, did he come last night?" She asked now looking at me and that's when I remembered last night.

He wasn't a dream, he actually came.

"Honey bee, back to earth!" Skyler's voice brought me back to reality and I blinked at her. What do I tell her? She's not gonna be happy if I tell her he was here last night.

"I-I don't know, I was asleep" I lied, chewing on my lip.

She looked at me unsure for a couple of seconds before shaking it off and walked into the lounge talking to the workers.

I walked back into my room running my eyes around to find anything unusual. He was here, in my room!

I don't know why but the thought of him being in my room, with all my stuff just lazily sprawled around made me blush.

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