Chapter 23 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me and why I had this strong urge to punch my best friend for hugging Claire.

Even though I know he has no bad intentions for her, still I can't help but feel this way and when I saw that angel-like smile spread across her lips when she saw him, a part of me wanted her to smile at me like that, and that fucking annoyed me. Am I jealous?

Getting on the plane I already knew she was scared with how her breathing fastened and how she began fiddling with her dress trying to distract herself. It's all small things that I wouldn't even notice if it was another girl but with her, it's awfully hard to miss when she's been clouding all my goddamn thoughts.

When I sat on the seat I was expecting her to pick a seat that was far from me, away from me but instead I was surprised when she came and sat right next to me.

I was happy for god knows what fucking reason but I was, maybe it was the fact I could look at her closely for hours straight, or maybe because I could feel at peace when her alluring scent clouded my mind.

It was clearly her first time being on a plane and that stupid part of me wanted to comfort her, I tried to hold back as much as I could but gave in hearing her sharp intake of breathing, her mumbling to herself that she probably don't even notice is pretty audible.

So I held her hand, her soft tiny little hands fit right into my big rough ones, and I swear to fucking god I felt electricity, just like the time I kissed her.

When I began rubbing circles on her hand she visibly relaxed and I felt content.

When I was sure she was not as scared I got up and went into the private room. I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't just sit there and not kiss her. I haven't been able to fucking stop thinking about the kiss we shared and I need to end whatever's going on in me. Get your fucking act together and stop acting like a horny teenager.

Buzzing the intercom I ordered the flight attendant to get Claire food, she haven't had anything to eat yet.

Laying on the bed I closed my eyes trying not to think of the girl that's seated barely a few feet away from me.

As the days go by the hope of her not being one of them only grows. What the fuck am I doing? I waited my whole life to get a hold of them and now that there's even the slightest bit of chance that I can get to them I'm hoping I don't. Just for her?

Letting out a frustrated sigh I sat up and pulled up my laptop and buried myself in work.

A while later I find that Claire sent the food away. Does she get sick on a plane?

Fighting the urge to go out myself and make her eat I forced myself to get my focus back on work. I don't care if she does or doesn't eat.

After a couple of hours when I couldn't stop thinking about it and gave in, I walked out of the room just to find her sitting comfortably on the seat with her legs crossed over, the seat slightly tilted back as she was busy reading the book I knew she would like.

When I realized I was staring at her like a creep I snapped out of it and walked over to her.

"You sent the food away?" I inquired.

"I wasn't hungry" she mumbled in her soft voice without stuttering, I was surprised.

And then she lowered her gaze biting onto her lower lip. Why must she do such things that make me wanna fucking kiss the heck out of her!

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