Chapter 33 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

After I was dressed I walked out of my room and decided to wait downstairs for Derek.

After a few minutes, Derek and Xavier walked down. Xavier now fully dressed in his black suit, looking like a model.

"Let's go kitten, I know a good place here for ice cream" Derek began leading up out, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Frowning slightly I stopped and turn to look at Xavier, he stood with his hands in his pocket and a distant look in his eyes.

"You're not coming?" I asked looking at him and he looked into my eyes before shaking his head.

"No, I have somewhere else I need to be" he muttered in a raspy voice before putting on his sunglasses and walking out of the house without sparing me another glance. What happened to him?

I couldn't hide the look of hurt that spread through my face.

"Hey, don't be sad kitten, he just..." He began but let out a deep sigh before lifting my face up to look at him "he'll come around kitten" he reassured me giving my cheek a gentle tap before holding my arm and pulling me out of the house.

"The mansion has been dead silent ever since you left kitten" Derek whined as we got in the car making me giggle.

"It's quiet here too, I miss you guys" I pouted at him to which he chuckled and ruffled my hair before starting the car and driving off.


Xavier's POV:

I sat in my car while my mind was at war with my heart. It's just a fucking tattoo. A tattoo that haunted me my entire fucking life.

Just when I was beginning to feel something again, just when I was ready to do anything in my power to protect her, everything has to go down the fucking hill.

Letting out a deep frustrated sigh I rested my head on the seat. I can't let my anger get the best of me, I can't hurt her again, not this time. I need to know what happened to her, I need to connect the fucking dots.

Because my heart refuses to believe that she can be one of those snakes. She's too fucking pure, too innocent, too goddamn sweet and fragile to be one of them.

Even tho deep down I know that tattoo on each of their necks isn't a fucking coincidence.

There's only one person who can give me the answers I need. Eric.

I will fucking hunt you down myself Eric, and you're gonna wish you were never born.

Letting out a deep sigh I started the car and drove off. I need to get some steam off and I have the perfect punching bag waiting for me.

Pulling up at the warehouse I got out and into the building.

"Did he regain his consciousness?" I asked Allaric to which he gave me a nod.

Walking into the room I could hear his groaning voice.

"Are you ready for round two?" I chuckled looking at his bruised body. His hand- well his palm was now wrapped up.

"You're a fucking monster!" He roared looking at me with his swollen eyes and my smirk only widened.

"Tsk tsk, did you not know that before?" I chuckled advancing towards him and grabbed the biggest knife off the table.

"You should've known better before laying your hands on her" I muttered as the images of him forcing himself on her flashed before my eyes.

Gritting my teeth I shoved the knife into his lower abdomen and began twisting it around, his body shook and he let out loud painful screams.

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