Chapter 5 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

God knows how long I have been locked up in here, no one has come here after he left that day, and no one came by to give me food or water, I have been starving here for days.

I've been missing for god knows how many days, Skyler must be really worried...

And the worst part is, I don't know what he wants from me nor do I know anything about him, he only came that one time to torture me and left, its been quiet since then, I haven't heard even a single footstep or even the slightest bit of whispers of any human life around me for days. All that surrounded me was the sound of my own shallow breathing and pitch darkness.

I'm starving, I'm thirsty. I'm physically tired of crying. Every passing day I had a panic attack, each worse than the other.

I'm mentally and physically exhausted, it gets freezing cold here at points that I feel my legs go numb, I have a puss in my thigh which hurts like hell, it needs medical attention, it might be infected because it pains a lot.

I can't move even an inch, I don't have the energy to even keep my eyes open for a second. My nightmares are getting worse every day. I'm at my lowest and I just wanna go home, safe and warm in my bed and around the people who cared for me and loved me.

With all these thoughts in my mind, I fell asleep again, with the hope to see the light again. Because someone once told me "If you have hope, you can fight all your demons and rise again" and I'm gonna hold on to that.


Xavier's POV:

It's been a week since I last saw her, a week I left her there in the basement with no food or water. I first planned to torture her till she spills out everything, I know girls like her, they care about themselves more than anyone else and for her, it runs in the family.

I'm gonna starve her, give her so much pain that she can't take it and finally break. I will break her and then I will break them.

My most trusted men are trying to dig into her past life and he's taking more time than I'd like.

A week ago I had no idea she even existed and then she popped out of nowhere.

My train of thought broke when I heard a knock on my door. Before I could tell whoever it is to fuck off, the door opens and walks in Oliver. He's my right-hand man and my best friend the only person I trust with my life other than Derek, my younger brother.

And they both can be a headache like right now, barging into my office when I'm busy.

"What do you want Oliver?" I asked giving him a bored glance. He knows not to mess with me when I'm pissed off and right now I'm in no mood.

"Did you get any updates on her?" He asked plopping down on the chair in front of me.

I sighed shaking my head "Thio is taking forever and it better be worthwhile otherwise he won't be seeing his kids again" I grumble at the fact that I have been waiting a whole fucking week just to get information on one girl.

"Be patient mate, Thio is the best at what he does I'm sure he got something for us" Oliver said lighting up his cigarette.

Just then there was another knock on the door.

"Boss I have it" Thio spoke from behind the door. Finally.

"Come in" I spoke closing my laptop.

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