Chapter 34 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

It's been 3 days since I last saw Xavier. And I can't deny the fact I have been missing him awfully.

I have been sleeping in his room every night, and the times Derek is busy I spend it reading in his room because it makes me feel closer to him, and it's the only thing that kept me calm the past few days.

Don't get me wrong Derek has been nothing but generous towards me, he makes me laugh to the point my stomach starts hurting, and we have so much fun together. He's been taking me out to a coffee house that I took a liking to.

But I miss Xavier, I miss his embrace, I miss the warmth he offers, the way he makes me feel when he looks at me longingly, and the way he touches me, making me think of sinful fantasies.

Right now I am sitting in his room, in his bed. Reading.

Derek has been on an important call all day today, something about an upcoming shipment.

Feeling the urge to pee I closed my book and walked into the bathroom to do my business. After I was done I pulled my hair up in a loose bun and brushed my teeth.

I brought a couple of my supplies to Xavier's room since I was practically staying in there and he hasn't been home for the past 3 days.

Walking out my breath hitched in my throat when I saw a tall figure standing by the bed, with my book in his hands.



Xavier's POV:

I finally got track of him, after searching nonstop for 3 days straight we finally got a hold of that prick and now all I need to do is fly back to Newyork and fish the truth out of him, then I'll be able to finally hold my angel in my arms again.

Walking into the house I saw Derek on the phone but as soon as he saw me he cut the call.

"You're back" he muttered before walking up to me.

"I'm flying back to Newyork tonight, keep her safe" I muttered and began walking towards the stairs but he walked in front of me, blocking my path.

"Are you going to talk to her?" He asked, brows furrowed.

My silence gave him his answer and he let out a scoff.

"For how long are you going to keep this up? Because this is a fucking torture for her, she asked me about you over ten times, about when will you be back, and she's been sleeping in your fucking room for days Xavier, she went through a traumatic experience barely a few days ago, and now you're gonna treat her like this? She thinks she did something to fucking upset you!" He roared pushing my chest and making me stumble a step back.

I was furious, but not at him. Because every word he said was true, and everything he said was right. I was furious at myself for making her feel like that. But all I did was to protect her.

"Everything I'm doing is to fucking keep her safe" I snapped.

"Just talk to her Xavier, please, she misses you, she tries to cover it but the sad look in her eyes says it all every time she asks me about you." He sighed and walked away, leaving his words like a heavy weight on my chest.

Letting out a heavy sigh I walked up the stairs and into my room just to find the door slightly ajar.

Walking in I ran my eyes around the room. The room was exactly how I left it except for a book on my bed, with her phone and earphones beside it.

Walking forward I picked up the book. She really has been staying in my room..?


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