Chapter 41 (edited)

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Derek's POV:

"Xavier will kill you" Oliver sighed when I told him what I'm about to do.

"Oliver, don't you see it? I need to do this. He's blinded by rage and agony. I've never seen him this torn in my entire life" I explained, trying to get Oliver to help me track down Eric.

"And do you really think she would do something like that Oliver? Forget about who her parents are and tell me, do you think she would do something like this?" I asked and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Never" he muttered.

"Then help me get a hold of Eric, he's the only one who can help us" I explained to him and he took in a deep breath before giving me a nod.

"I never once stopped tracking him, for just in case. I'll send you the address to his office" he informed me and I felt somewhat content.

Walking out I got in my car and drove off to the address Oliver gave me.

Not too long after I reached the building. If Xavier finds out, I'm as good as dead. But it's all worth it.

Fixing my gun at the waist of my pants I walked into the building. Everyone was rushing around doing their work.

Walking up to the reception a middle-aged woman looked at me.

"How may I help you, sir?" She asked professionally.

"Im here to see Eric" I informed her and she began typing on the computer.

"I'll inform Mr. Robert" she said and picked up the telephone, after talking on the phone she looked at me and spoke. 

"I'm sorry sir but Mr. Robert doesn't wanna see anybody"

"Tell him it's Derek Winston"

Her eyes widened in realization and she visibly gulped before she continued talking on the phone and looked back at me as she put the phone down.

"Mr. Robert is waiting for you in his office, on the 35th floor" she informed me with an unsure smile to which I gave her a nod and walked away, towards the elevator.

Pressing onto the 35th floor I waited patiently.

Reaching the floor I walked out into an empty hallway. Walking down the hallways I walked through the only door on this entire floor.

Walking in my eyes landed on a very busted face of Eric. Brother surely did a number on him.

"Are you here to mock me?" He spitted out, venom in his voice.

"I'm here to listen to what you have to say" I muttered.

"But I won't hesitate to kill you if I have to" I warned him to which he let out a scoff shaking his head.

"I have nothing to say, especially to you, you may leave" he dismissed taking his seat behind the desk to which I snorted out and walked further into the room.

"I wanna know if Claire's in danger" I began and his jaw clenched.

"Like you care" he scoffed.

"I wouldn't be here in the first place if I didn't, you weren't my first choice but you're the only one who can help me. Because I know she wouldn't go behind Xavier's back like this and I wanna get to whoever is behind all this" I finished, taking a seat on the other side of his desk and I saw a spark of hope in his eyes.

"She's innocent" he began rubbing his temple.

"Then tell me the whole story Eric" I said to which he let out a deep sigh.

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