Chapter 52 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

Containing my anger right now was an impossible task. If that bitch really thought that I'd let this slide, she has another thing coming.

I drove to her house since I already knew her address. I dig out everyone's entire background before I let them work for me.

She was a college dropout when I hired her, which was 5 years ago, but I have no mercy for her after what she did.

Pulling up in front of her house I jumped out of the car and stomped my way toward the front door and rang the bell.

Not long after the door opened and there she stood. Her eyes went big when she saw me but soon a smile appeared on her face and she opened the door further.

"How can I help you boss" she whispered which I assume was her way of trying to sound sexy. But it only angered me more.

Walking into the house I slammed the door behind me and she physically gulped.

"Tell me, Veronica, does your life mean nothing to you?" I began talking as I pulled my gun out and fear filled her eyes.

"I-It does boss, why are you asking me that?" She asked now with a slight shake in her voice.

"See I don't think it does, because if it did, then you wouldn't do something so fucking stupid that will cost you your life" I finished now aiming the gun at her head and she visibly began to shake.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about Boss, I didn't do anything, someone must've lied!" She cried.

"The 'chic' who called on my phone earlier that you answered. She's my fucking queen and you disrespected her, for that I only have one punishment for you, death." I grumbled firing at her and her lifeless body fell on the floor.

Not wasting another minute I walked out of her house and sent Derek her address along with a text to get this cleaned up.

Getting back in my car I rushed the car across the road to reach Claire's apartment.

Within 15 minutes I was parked under her building. Jumping out of the car I rushed inside while I could feel every eye on me.

Reaching her apartment I began ringing the doorbell and banging on the door and soon after her friend answered the door.

But as soon as she saw it was me she tried to slam the door back shut but I stopped it and pushed the door open.

"Why are you here? She wants nothing to do with you!" She shouted at me and I gave her a hard glare which was enough to shut her up and she stepped away from me.

Walking over to Claire's room I twisted the door handle but it was locked. Of course.

Sucking in a deep breath I slowly knocked on her door.

"Angel please open the door" I hollered but got no answer in return.

"Please let me explain" I spoke so desperately wanting to see her, hear her.

The door pulled open and there she stood, her eyes were puffy and red. Has she been crying?

"There's nothing to explain" she mumbled, her voice croaky and shaky. Not once did she look up at me.

"I do" I cut her off and stepped forward and surprisingly she didn't move away.

"Claire look at me" I whispered but she didn't lift her head.

"Xavier you don't owe me any explanation about anything" she mumbled a sense of anger in her voice that I never heard before.

"Then why did you leave? If there was nothing wrong why did you come here?" I asked shutting the door behind me which caught her attention and she looked behind me before her eyes found their way to mine.

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