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Okay, let us take a MOMENT 👏 to appreciate GIRLS.

Like, I SIMP over these girls, and let me tell you...

I can't physically be around a girl for more than 0.02 seconds without internally freaking out. Because they're so pretty??? Oh my god, dude.

And, let's talk about girls with eyebrow slits! Oh my lord, I would sell my soul for that.

AND THEIR LAUGHS - Holy guacamolè, my gay is out today.

Like, is it too much to ask for to just want to live in a apartment with an amazing girlfriend with 6 cats and 4 dogs?

Okay, let me just add - this girl I like just had a GLOW UP and I am simping too much 💅 BUT I AM ALLOWED TO BECAUSE SHE IS ONLY A MONTH OLDER THAN ME lol 🤠

Like I will love any girl tbh - curvy, thin, flat, whatever - it is impossible for me to not like a girl; and yes, it IS a curse 🤧

But you know what's even better than a super pretty girl?


You can be super hot, but honestly, if you got a trash attitude and just like to bring people down, then that's an instant turn off tbh, not cool!

But otherwise....

Okay, so, yes. This WAS to rant about how much I love girls...

But can you blame me?

I mean...


Thanks for coming to my ted talk :)

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