How To Change Your Voice Pitch

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This is mainly directed to MtF and FtM babs :)

Note; This varies from person to person, and may or may not work for you. You just have to try, and if it works, it works! And if not, then you can always try again with different methods :)


i. Drink some ice water!

This will tighten the vocal cords and produce a naturally higher pitch.

ii. Smile slightly when you speak!

This causes your voice to have a slightly higher pitch as it raises the lips and muscles in your face!

iii. Record your voice!

Frequently replay your voice back so that you can hear any improvements you may be making!

And, yes. Before you say it: you have to do it. No. "My voice is cringe" is not a valid excuse. Your voice is beautiful. Now kindly take it and waltz on over to that voice recorder 💕

I recommend recording it around the same time each day, around 2-3pm? It gives time for your "morning voice" to go away.

iv. Practice, practice, practice!

Okay, this sounds cliché, but I will say it anyway: practice makes perfect!

And you can't get where you want to be otherwise!

You HAVE to practice!

So TRY IT OUT and find out what works best for you!!

v. Don't get discouraged!

This stuff takes time, and in my opinion, you're doing just fine. Keep at it, buddy!


i. Take a really deep breath and start humming for as long as you can while holding it!

This will stretch your vocal cords - and stretched vocal cords always make a voice sound significantly deeper.

ii. Use Your Diaphragmatic!

Breathe slowly through your nose and bring the air deep down into the lower depths of your belly without pushing your chest forward. Now, exhale slowly, and as you’re exhaling, try to say your full name. If you feel a vibration as you're speaking, congratulations! You’ve learned how to use your diaphragm, and you have achieved a deeper voice effect now.

iii. Record Your Voice!

So you really thought you were all off the hook? Well, WRONG!

You guys are being forced to listen to those beautiful voices of yours- AND ENJOY IT!


I'm just teasing, if it wasn't obvious. I love you guys, but you need to endure it and listen to your voice so that you can compare. I recommend recording it around the same time everyday, around 2-3pm. It gives time for your "morning voice" to go away.

iv. Practice, Practice, Practice!

Okay, this sounds cliché, but I will say it anyway: practice makes perfect!

And you can't get where you want to be otherwise!

You HAVE to practice!

So TRY IT OUT and find out what works best for you!!

v. Don't get discouraged!

This stuff takes time, and in my opinion, you're doing just fine. Keep at it, buddy!

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