🌈Your Friendly Reminder🌈

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Hello everyone! Its been a good while since I've updated, which I do apologize for. I've had little to no motivation to write or post - but I don't know why! Writers block is the best, isn't it?

Anyway, happy pride month everybody! In honor of this special time of year, I just knew I had to post, even if it is 8 days late! We have gathered here today - and for all of June - to honor those who has fallen in order to get us to where we are today. To honor the victims of the Stonewall riot.

Now, the whole reason you're here! Remember, take care of yourselves. No matter if you're Lgbtq+ or not, look out for each other, don't bind for too long, drink plenty of water, and love each other and yourselves! (The latter may be hard - I understand! Just try and keep a positive head set loves ❤)

In other words, remember that the 28th of this month is the 53rd anniversary of the Stonewall riots - be sure to take a few minutes from your day to remember those who has fallen.

For more information on pride month and topics like the Stonewall Riot, please refer to an older chapter titled 'The origins of pride and terrible attacks' which explains in depth why pride month is in June and why we celebrate. It also goes into detail about the Stonewall Riots and why it is an important symbolization of pride today.

That's all we have for this chapter, folks, I thank you all once again for coming back and reading, albeit the slow updates. I love you all - and remember, take care of yourselves and love thy neighbor! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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