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Someone who is Non-binary may use pronouns such as "They/Them" or Neopronouns, which I talk about in later chapters. However, they could also use "She/Her" or "He/Him". Whatever they're comfortable with. Pronouns gender. If someone uses they/them pronouns, this does NOT make them automatically Non-binary.  Non-binary can also be described as not having a gender, or not being on the binary scale.

Someone who is gender-fluid might "change" their gender. As an example, one day someone might wanna be called a "she" as she feels like a girl, and the next she might wanna be called a "he" as he might feel like a boy. If you're gender-fluid, you can use all pronouns. They can also just... floatbetween 2+ genders, per say. 

Someone who does not have a gender.

Someone who experiences two genders, either at the same time, or varying between the two

This is not part of the LGBTQ+ community, but is still an important term/gender. Someone who identifies with the gender and sex they were born with. Remember, sex gender.

Someone who identifys partly as a gender, but not fully

Someone whos sex (What they were born as) doesn't correspond to their gender. This is often referred to as ftm (Female to male) and mtf (Male to female). A trans boy is a boy who was born a girl, and switched to a boy. A trans girl is a girl born a boy, but she switched into a girl. For the record, trans girls are beautiful, and trans guys are handsome. :)

Someone who feels three genders simultaneously

Polygender people experience multiple gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them. These can be male, female and/or any non-binary identities.

When'st none of the genders can be clearly defined as Masculine, Feminine, or Neutral.

A gender in which a person can feel mostly or completely female most of the time, but experience varying degrees of female identity.

A gender in which a person can feel mostly or completely male most of the time, but experience varying degrees of male identity.

In which the gender varies over time.

Someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static.

Someone with weak to no sense of gender.

Someone who's gender may encompass all genders at once.

Someone who's gender isn't binary, but is also outside of Non-binary.

Someone who's gender doesn't line up with masculinity, femininity, or being genderless.

Someone who feels mostly Agender, but still has a connection to another gender.

Someone who isn't cisgender, but also doesn't fit any other labels.

Someone who's gender changes in an orderly, consistent cycle, reminding ones of a lunar cycle.

Gender in which one's gender experience (or lack thereof) is complicated in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to fit into one term.

Someone who identifies partly as female, but not fully.

Someone who identifies partly as male, but not fully.

Gender in which said person's sense of identify is fluid, but this excludes them feeling like a binary man. Similar to genderfluid.

Gender in which said person's sense of identity is fluid, but this excludes them feeling like a binary woman. Similar to genderfluid.

Someone who's gender changes so fast they feel they can not keep it pinned down.

Someone who is multiple genders, but are unsure of which ones

¡NOTE!: Transgender is an umbrella term. It can be used for anyone who identifies as something aside what they were assigned as when they were born. This includes, but is not limited to, Agender, Non-Binary, etc.

These are what I was able to put. Obviously I am not able to get them all, so if anybody knows anymore, please leave a comment under this writing so I can see it. I get hundreds of comments on singular sexuality's everyday, so if you aren't to comment under here, I may not see it/ignore it.

Again, please reply to that ^ if you have any recommendations!

Thanks for reading this chapter!

!Next chapter!

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