See You On The Other Side 💕🌈

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This is it, guys. The end of this book. I feel like I've made all the chapters you all need help with most.

I haven't been getting questions, so I'd say this is the end.

It's been good, long run, and I'm so happy, and proud of how far this book has come. I owe it all to you guys. I love you all so much, thank you for supporting me throughout this all.

Maybe if questions start coming in, I'll resurrect this book, but until then,

I'll See You On The Other Side <3

(Yes. That's a quote from one of my favorite games, go ahead and take your guesses. <3 Also I'll be active on other books, so you can read those if you like.)

As you could probably tell, that wasn't the end. lol I guess when the book is actually finished this will count but whatever

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