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I encourage yall to follow along and answer the questions, too! It's fun to do, and could even help you get to know yourself better. This is kind of an updated "LGBT Q&A" as well.

This chapter includes a bit of cursing.

How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

I kind of self identify. I don't really put it into a label, I guess? I mean, I kind of identify as a female, sometimes NB, it kinda depends on my mood, honestly. But it always fluctuates between those two. Sometimes, I don't even label myself. If I DO label myself, i'm definitely most comfortable with just saying Non-Binary. Except for in person, i'll just say female cause CLOSET LIFE!

What pronouns honor you?

She/her and They/them ♡

Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

Leggings, T-shirts, and long sleeved shirts, mainly. I always wear black. Dresses are cute on other people, tho. I just don't personally like dresses or skirts, bathing suits or none of that. I guess at a glance you can't really tell what I am, I kinda dress neutrally, which is how I love it!

Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

I prefer shorter hair (UNDERCUTS oml) but sometimes I let it grow out. When its longer I keep it in a ponytail. I don't have any facial hair or anything, but a little side note is that I always have an eyebrow slit on my left eyebrow. I do shave, yes. Also, I always have a few bangs pulled from my ponytail or whatever, brushed against my jawline.

Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

I don't currently wear makeup, but maybe one day I might choose to. Its just not my forte right now. The most I wear is a bright red chapstick. My lips are always super chapped so I use it often. I love my nails painted. That's the one girly thing about me, lol. I just re-did them because they were royal purple and blue colors, now they're pink and white for Valentines day :) (I do them myself. Easy and super cheap) I use regular body wash, and I have 1 favorite kind of perfume: Love Spell. I promise, you'll never find a better feminine perfume. It's expensive, but super worth it. (I use my moms', tho, lol)

I also love cologne and masculine smelling products if it matters

Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

I have. First it was by an ex girlfriend, who did it on purpose because she, and I quote, said "it isn't natural". (She eventually came around when I kept ignoring her tho.) Some other times were by mistake by other people

Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

A thing not a lot of people know about is my chest dysphoria. (In fact, yall might be the ONLY ones that know,) some days it feels worst than others. Like, sometimes I will purposely go weeks (yeah, its bad, lol) without showering because of how bad dysphoria is. Its just unbearable sometimes. While as other days, I can be completely fine. I bind about 85% of the time, though.

Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

Here's the thing, I love kids. But I also like to not be held back. And let me give yall the cold hard truth - I wouldn't be able to do all the things I want to do, if I had a child. For example, I kind of want a nomadic lifestyle, but that wouldn't be good for a kid. They need a place they can call home. Maybe if I ever decide to settle down, I'll decide on a kid, BUT it would be through adoption. That is the only way I want a kid. I am a firm believer in adoption, if you couldn't tell. So no, I wouldn't carry one. I do believe that pregnancy is an intimate time for someone, but I personally wouldn't want to do it. I wouldn't mind some help with the child, of course, so long as im the favorite parent. (Kidding, of course! lol)

Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

It's very important for me. If I have a family, I would make sure in one way or another they're taken care of. I wouldn't mind making less than my partner, but I wouldn't completely rely on them. I feel like I would love to treat someone to a date night every week or so, so I would say yes. And I'm not necessarily uncomfortable when others pay for me, but I definitely refuse it a few times before (and if) I finally give in. I prefer to be financially independent and not take other peoples' money.

Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

Not really. I'm going to end off by saying that gender is confusing. But at the end of it all, you're you, and nobody can change that. So live it while you can, loves.

What is your sexuality?

Lesbian, I think. Its just... ✨girls✨

Are you interested in a sexual relationship?

I'm Asexual. I might one day, but look, I just don't find you sexually attractive. Sniff its not you... its me.

Are you trans?

I am an Enby idiot who uses she/her AND they/them <3

Do you bind or pack?

I bind, because chest dysphoria sucks :(

If you bind or pack, does anyone know?

Yall know. My girlfriend knows. A friend knows too, I think. So a few (my mom probably noticed my chest has been flatter, but I dunno)

Are you out?

I am out to everyone online, my parents (I was outed 🤙🏻) and 1 of my brothers

Any LGBT crushes?

As a female, I had a 2 girlfriends, 1 that was pretty much my girlfriend without either of us knowing (lots of flirting no joke 🙄), a crush on another girl, and 1 crush on a guy

Did you have any experiences as a child that might have foreshadowed your sexuality? 

Actually, no. It kinda just hit me

How old were you when you knew? What was that like for you? 

Hm... around 9 or 10, for sure. It was like a huge train smashed into my face. I was so scared of my parents finding out, so I hid my feelings for so long.

Thoughts regarding inner turmoil about your sexuality?

I have always deal with inner turmoil not only because of my sexuality, but because of my chest dysphoria, too. It is still something I struggle a lot with today, honestly. I always wondered why I never felt "normal" like everyone else, or what the strange hatred of my own body meant. Nowadays I feel a little more at peace and prideful of my sexuality, but chest dysphoria is still an everyday struggle

Did you face any problems regarding religion?

Shockingly no, other than random people telling me to repent but yall know how that is

Your favorite LGBT role model/celebrity.

Oh, Halsey, no doubt

Your favorite LGBT quote

"Why care what genitals I have if you aren't fucking me?"

"My birth certificate may say I'm a boy, but it also says I'm 4.7 pounds. Things change over time,"

"For the low price of $0.00 you can use someone's correct pronouns!"

Im bias

Aaaaaand that's finally an updated LGBT Q&A! I would love to read yalls answers so make sure to follow along :)

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