Club Q Shooting

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Hello everybody. I want to start this chapter by apologizing for the lack of content to this book. As you all may know, ideas are running dry. I have 5-6 requests left to write (give or take) and I am in the process of researching, so that takes time. They'll be out soon enough, and I thank you all for the patience and support I have gotten on this book.

Which leads me into my next point, the fact that I even have to write this chapter. Its so sad, but yet another LGBTQ club shooting has occured. This time, in Colorado. Lets go over the details.

On the somber day of Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022, Club G located in Colorado Springs, United States was the primary target for this tragic shooting.

The gunman, later identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, (m22) went in firing, killing five people and injuring 18 others. He was apprehended soon after. A heroic former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran tackled Aldrich in a successful attempt to stop the assault.

I want to say that Aldrich has a very sketchy history - although he is supposedly the son of a lawyer, he changed his name years prior to the shooting for unknown reasons, and was even arrested for bomb threats just last year! Even still, he was somehow allowed to purchase firearms. I'm not sure where the law was there, as (don't quote me on this) I'm pretty sure making bomb threats is a federal offense, which would surely land you a felony. And, as you know, felonies can't usually purchase firearms.

Back to the topic at hand, Aldrich's motives are unknown. Its unknown if there even was a motive to begin with. Although, he is currently being tried for a bias crime as well as first degree murder.

The five victims included Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston, Derrick Rump, Ashley Paugh and Raymond Green Vance. These individuals were brutally and coldy murdered by a harsh lowlife. Remember, always pay respect to those lost.

The man from earlier - the war veteran - is Richard Fierro. He is a straight ally who went to celebrate a birthday with his wife and daughter and some friends. His daughters boyfriend, Raymond Green Vance, was one of the victims who Fierro expressed remorse over.

Thomas James was Fierro's accomplish, and helped him overtake Aldrich after a rough scuffle. Fierro eventually took the pistol from the perpetrator and hit him upside the head with him, later landing him in the hospital.

This shooting has happened so recently, and its an ongoing case. Please, pay your respects to the victims lost to this tedious crime.

 Please, pay your respects to the victims lost to this tedious crime

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Remember, love everybody, yourself and each other

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Remember, love everybody, yourself and each other. And, like always, remember this as well: Love Over Hate.

I love you all. Stay safe out there, and stay hydrated. Until next chapter, take care.

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