theres this girl

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i love her so much!!!! i'm so gay!! i need to publicly rant about her!! she has the most GORGEOUS green eyes, i have never seen any eyes prettier than hers. and in the sunnnn oh my god they're so pretty. her hair is so curly and it sits against her head perfectly and frames her face and dear god don't get me started on how it also looks in the sun. its a darker brown but the sun makes it look like such a golden color and its so pretty. and her smile. oh her smile. its so pretty and i love it so so much. it sends my heart shocks every single time. its so wholesome and seeing her happy makes me so happy as well. im so in love. everything seems to be abt her. the sun rises for her. the stars shine for her. the flowers bloom for her. the birds sing for her. my heart beats for her. every song and every poem and story is abt her. and dear god has she inspired so many poems i have written. shes the subject of them all.

i met her last year. shes became my whole world since then. shes my best friend and the reason i wake up when i dont want to anymore. for those wondering, i havent been updating as much recently due to bad depression related issues, and she makes everything just a little easier. she lets me jokingly flirt with her and doesnt get offended even though she has a boyfriend (for the record, shes bi) and we've agreed to get married if we're both still single by the time shes 30. which, would make me 27. i jokingly proposed to her in the middle of our work place when we were closing the restaurant one night. our coworker recorded it all. it was so silly and i miss working with her so much

overall, i love my girl so so much. shes so special and i just needed to rant about her publicly. please, feel free to share your own rants in the comments!! i love reading love rants, the tooth-rotting sweet kind, it makes me so happy to see people in love <3 lgbt or straight, or even platonic love is ALL welcome so please share!! and as always have a wonderful day or night!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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