Passing As Non-Binary

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Someone asked me how they could pass as enby, which means they're going for an androgynous style. As a fellow enby, I thought that this would be the perfect actual last chapter for me to write for.

Without further ado, let's hop right into it!


Hair as an enby is ultimately what makes you feel comfortable. For an enby or androgynous hairstyle, it can be anything you want. Long or short, and there are hundreds of different hairstyles, too! To be real, my favorite are messy pixie cuts', its what Im personally rocking right now, and its great. If you're a bio-girl and a minor, then you likely have a higher chance to rock long hair or hairstyles if your parents or guardians are strict. Some guardians may allow short hair in bio girls but it may be harder to convince some of them. Bio boys, unlike bio girls, are likely going to find it easier to rock shorter hair than long, especially if they also have strict parents or guardians. Of course, if you're a risk taker, you could cut it or let it grow out, but that is a risk not everyone wants to take, as some parents or guardians may become violent when these actions are took.

Ultimately, just try and do what makes you happy.


Clothes are a... hit and miss. Of course, wear what makes you comfortable, but a lot of clothes made nowadays are either male or female, feminine or masculine... it's hard to find something for either, or neither.

For example, typical 'female or feminine' t-shirts often have a v-neck and are stretchy, breathable fabric that just gives off a feminine vibe. Typical 'male or masculine' t-shirts are usually u-necks and are sturdy, durable fabric. So obviously issues arise, UNLESS, you like wearing more feminine or masculine clothing in which case, great! You do you, boo. I'm glad you've found your pick. But to those of you who do not like the vibes these types of clothes give out, here are some enby centered clothing lines to shop from:


Big Bud Press

Human nation

Kirrin Finch (more pricy but I love their designs)

Wildfang (One of my favorites!)

Tomboyx (Mainly undergarnments)

Of course, you can find gender neutral clothing in other places, too! A few places with cheap clothing is Redbubble, etsy, and teepublic, and a more expensive place is gender free world, so those are good picks. Like always, be careful on foreign and unknown sites, some are scams, but these are pretty liable (etsy of course can be kinda sketchy at times so just always be aware)

Also, wear patterns you like. Flowers? Floral looks good on anybody! Cars and trains and airplanes? Its great to be super invested in our scientific advancements! Just super obsessed with Stranger Things here recently? Then for gods sake wear a shirt with your favorite characters! Nobody is here to stop you from wearing the designs, patterns, and colors you want! Be you, and stand up and stand out.

Now, for a more androgynous style, it is better to wear grayscale clothes, these naturally neutral colors help give the impression of genderless, which is what is mainly aimed for in androgynous style clothing.

For fem and bio girls:

Wear loose pants! Tight fitting jeans or leggings are more likely to show your natural curves than sweatpants will. (Of course, that's not a bad thing, all your curves are beautiful but it will give a more feminine look) Similarly, a loose fitting shirt is always a nice option, too! Oversized hoodies are also a must, in my opinion.

For both fem and mas bio boys and girls:


I love boat neck tops, and they are fitting for any gender identity out there. They are so nice to the eye and most of the time really comfortable, too!

I'm also going to be real, vests and blazer's are completely stunning on anybody, take advantage of that.

But there you have it! All my tips on passing as enby/looking for androgynous! I hope this has helped some of you, and remember, I love you all, have a great day/night.

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