The "Don't Say Gay" Florida Bill

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Recently, there has been controversy over a new bill has passed in the US state of Florida. Critics has dubbed this as the "Don't Say Gay" bill. This downright wrong bill bans public school districts from teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through the 3rd grade, or from teaching "in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students"—language that critics say could extend the ban to higher grade levels. State Rep. Joe Harding, a Republican who introduced the bill, told TIME in February that the bill's intention is to keep parents "in the know and involved on what's going on" with their child's education, but critics argue the bill is discriminatory, and an attempt by Republican lawmakers to stir political support amid a broader climate of increasing politicization of LGBTQ rights. This is also a very obvious attempt to take control of what children are taught in schools. Advocates warn its passage could be harmful for students' mental health. This is because despite this affecting grades k-3, there are still very young LGBTQ+ members out there, or even members with LGBTQ+ family members. Taking away their right to learn about this in school, or even talking about it to friends whilst on school grounds, could impact kids and families in ways the senator didn't expect, or possibly care to acknowledge.

"The Florida state legislature is playing a dangerous political game with the health and safety of LGBTQ+ kids," said Cathryn M. Oakley, the state legislative director and senior counsel at the national LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, in a statement. "The existence of LGBTQ+ people across Florida is not up for debate. We are proud parents, students, and teachers, and LGBTQ+ people deserve to exist boldly, just like everyone else."

Advocates say that because Florida's K-3 curriculum does not currently include discussions of sexual orientation or gender identity, the law would not mandate an update to the state's curriculum. But LGBTQ advocates warn that the law would make classrooms unsafe spaces for children who are LGBTQ or whose family members are LGBTQ. Such children often already face increased rates of stigma and isolation. Cases of LGBTQ+ children are often looked past because they're young and naïve. While that is a problem in its own, the main focus here is that schools are now not allowed to teach these subjects to kids in grades k-12, which, as stated before, poses a problem to kids' mental health and wellbeing.

The legislation could also impact how teachers provide instruction on a day-to-day basis. At a Senate hearing on Feb. 8, Republican Sen. Travis Hutson gave the example of a math problem that includes the details that "Sally has two moms or Johnny has two dads." ​​Republican State Sen. Dennis Baxley, who sponsors the bill in the Senate, said that is "exactly" what the bill aims to prevent.

The bill also creates a new avenue of litigation, as it potentially allows parents to sue the school district if they believe their children were provided inappropriate instruction about "sexual orientation or gender identity." Advocates say that broad wording of the law could open the door for lawsuits about instruction provided in grade levels higher than the third grade. "Let us be clear: should the vague language of this bill be interpreted in any way that causes harm to a single child, teacher, or family, we will lead legal action against the State of Florida to challenge this bigoted legislation," tweeted the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Florida on Tuesday.

Imagine elementary school students are asked to draw pictures of their families and present them to the class, says Kara Gross, the legislative director and senior policy counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, which opposes the bill. What happens if a child being raised by a same-sex couples draws a picture of their two dads? Their two moms? Their teacher may face a decision between allowing the child to participate, Gross told TIME in February, and opening themselves and their school up to lawsuits, or excluding them from the exercise. This is a decision a teacher should not have to make for a young child. Gross argues that the bill could also have a chilling effect on teachers' freedom of speech and First Amendment rights.

On March 4, DeSantis signaled his support of the bill, telling reporters: "How many parents want their kids to have transgenderism or something injected into classroom instruction?" That same day, Christina Pushaw, a DeSantis spokesperson, tweeted that opponents of the bill are likely "groomers." Equality Florida decried the comments, tweeting that Pushaw had said "the quiet part out loud: that this bill is grounded in a belief that LGBTQ people, simply by existing, are a threat to children and must be erased." The group has also repeatedly criticized DeSantis' seeming endorsement of the bill, tweeting Feb. 7 that he "is using anti-LGBTQ legislation as a springboard to serve [his] national political ambitions."

During the Tuesday hearing, Baxley said his aim when introducing the bill was to help parents raise children in a world where "so many different images are flashing before them, and so many challenges are before them about how to get their education." Democratic state senators pushed back, including Sen. Shevrin Jones, Florida's first openly gay Florida state senator, who told the legislative body: "To those who think you can legislate gay people away, I'm sorry. You cannot. I think you should legislate to protect them."

Over the past week students across Florida have been staging walkouts to protest the bill's passage, including over 500 students at Winter Park High School in Orange County, Fla. on Monday, per CNN. I urge you to do the same. To protest against this awful bill.

Some people are thinking: it doesn't affect me directly because I don't live in Florida, or because I don't have a child, or sibling, cousin, niece or nephew, anything or anyone else that it affects. Why should I bother?

I counter that even if it doesn't affect you, us people, both LGBTQ+ and allies, need to fight for our younger and important members. We need to be the voice that the young 5-9 year olds can't be. We need to stand up for them and prove to them that no matter what, we'll always have each others' backs.

You can do this by protesting. If you live in Florida, gather as many people as you can and march down the streets chanting your opposition to the bill. I also urge you to sign this petition:

The petition is a little under 4k signatures away from reaching it's goal. Our LGBTQ+ siblings deserve the recognition and support.

The anti-LGBT past is trying to rear it's disgusting end in the form of a Florida bill. This could result in a chain of events leading other states or countries to create a similar bill. This bill is leverage, and leverage only. Don't let the hate come back.

As always, I thank you all for reading this important chapter. Remember to protect our younger LGBTQ+ family at all costs. I wish you all a safe and happy day.

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