Using Public Bathrooms

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So... public bathrooms.

A nightmare for anyone, right?

Yeah, well, that nightmare is intensified x10... no, times x10^100 when you're trans, or anything other than what you were born as.

But, let's face it...

A bathroom is a bathroom.

Nobody will be paying you much mind.

They're in there for the same reason you are.

But here we go! :)

Trans guys;

I want you to say this with me: USING THE STALL IS OKAY! It won't automatically give you away or anything :) there are plenty of cis guys who prefer to sit than stand! Don't think much of it. You know what you do? Walk confidently, head up, and try not to talk to anyone. If you're nervous, just try to finish up quickly. Again, no one is paying you any mind! Just waltzel up in there like it's the most normal thing ever! (And, hey! Don't doubt that it isn't!)

However, if you don't feel safe, then you should find a family bathroom. They can be found in most any place with a bathroom. It's usually a one room thing, though, so there might be a line. Never risk your safety for anything.

Trans girls;

It's the same for you babs! Try not to stand out. You should act confident, but not anything too over the top. To nobody's offense, but it is harder for a trans girl to pass than a trans guy. But hey! Don't let that stop you. You should probably think of an excuse to keep your head low (like checking your nails or checking your phone) so that anything masculine is hidden. (For example, the Adam's apple)


My recommendation is to just find something you're comfortable with. :) If that's not the guy or girl bathrooms, then the family restrooms are always still open!

And as I already said, nobody will honestly pay you any mind. They're just trying to get in and out, like you. Maybe the occasional dirty look, but honestly... who needs them, right?

I hope this helped you all if you needed it! This is Zero, signing out.

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