Do's And Don'ts Of Talking To Lgbt

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Don't: "Ew you're gay?! You're going to hell!"

Do: "I may not support gays, but that's none of my business. I'll keep the bad thoughts to myself."

Don't: "Kill yourself worthless freak!"

Do: Talk to them about it. And keep those type of disgusting thoughts to yourself, wtf?

Don't: "Do you like... Like me?"

Do: "Just because You're a lesbian doesn't mean you like me."

Don't: "Who's the man in the relationship?"

Do: "You girls are rockin it!"

Don't: "Do you like pans?!

Do: "Being attracted to pans is silly. Why don't you explain to me so I can better my knowledge?"

It gets annoying when you say things like that.

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