The Fight For Freedom: Trump's Horrid Plan

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I just realized that none of the links are working properly, I am sorry for this! Trying to figure out a way to fix it.

Hello everybody, today I am here with a very important issue at hand. And that, my friends, is the Donald Trump situation.

Now, usually, I don't like to get involved with politics. I myself am not even old enough to vote as of yet, so it wouldn't really make much sense for me to get into politics in the first place. And with you being here, I'm just going to go ahead and assume you aren't old enough to vote either. But if you are, great, please do. Voting is good for not only yourself, but those around you, too, especially if you live in the United States.

A little disclaimer, please be respectful in the comments. Opinions are allowed, but don't go blindly bashing anybody with a different opinion than yours. I do not condone that. Comments of such will be deleted and you'll quite possibly get blocked. Thankfully, everybody on this book thusfar has been respectful and considerate, and I am super grateful to have you all here.

With that being said, let's get onto the main focus of today's chapter... Donald Trump.

This issue first came to my attention when I stumbled across a video made by influencer Josh Helfgott. ( is the link to the video, but stay tuned, as I have done my own research for the purpose of this chapter)

The first thing the video mentions is Trumps plan to 'erase trans adults'. A clip is then showed of Trump telling (reporters? It is unclear to me who he is speaking to) that if he is reelected as president for the 2024 elections, the only genders recognized by the US government will be male and female, "and they are assigned at birth". After some digging, I found a few different articles saying that Trump wants to end 'left-wing gender insanity'. "Congress will also be asked, he said, to pass a law banning gender-affirming care for minors nationwide and a bill 'establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States' Government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth'." (

If this law is passed, that will dramatically affect not only trans folks, but gender non-conforming people as well. Their lack of gender alignment will not be acknowledged and could also possibly remove the "Non binary" or "No gender" options for some things, such as medical or work/school related. Now, for a law to be passed, a procedure has to be undergone. Both the House and Senate have to approve a bill in identical form. If that happens, the bill is sent to the president, and if the president approves of the legislation, it is signed and becomes a government enforced law. Trump has already made it clear that he would sign the bill, no questions asked. However, 2 senators and 11 members of the House Of Representatives identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, so there is obviously a chance the bill isn't passed at all. But, do we really want to take that chance?

Back to the video mentioned before, Josh says that, 'Next, he'll [Trump] will erase trans kids". A video clip of Trump speaking is then saw on screen. "If any teacher or school officials suggests they could be trapped in the wrong body, they will be faced with severe consequences."

This part is controversial. Some folks believe that schools should have no say in anything related to LGBTQ+ when it comes to children, others beg to differ. Personally, I think that yeah, it should be the parents job to positively speak to their kids about this, but what happens to those same kids if the parents only bash on LGBTQ+ rights? What if the parents don't support or believe their LGBTQ+ kids? I feel if a child goes to a teacher with questions that suggest they could be trans, that means they trust said teacher and the teacher should have a right to at least try and explain something to the children. Children should always have an outlet to help them understand their selves and their bodies better. But that is just an opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

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