Lgbt Quotes

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Real little bit of cursing in this chapter.

"It doesn't matter if you know your sexuality or not - lets just say you're a human who loves other humans, neither does it matter if you know you're gender - for no matter what it is, you're a human being," - Unknown

"I hate the word homophobia, you're not scared, you're just an a-hole," - Morgan Freeman

"Claiming that someone else's marrige is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut when you're on a diet," - Unknown

"The only choice I made was to be myself," - Unknown

"The world has bigger problems than boys who kiss boys, girls who kiss girls, not kissing anybody, or being a different gender," - Unknown

"If harry potter taught us anything, it's that nobody should live in a closet," - Unknown

"Of course lgbt people dress well, they didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing," - Unknown

"Love and gender is too beautiful to be hidden in a closet," - Unknown

"Taste the rainbow," - Unknown

"No one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the streets holding the hand of the person they love," - Barack Obama

"Lgbt - Life Gets Better Together," - Unknown

"I didn't choose to be gay - I just got lucky," - Unknown

"Don't be afraid to show your true colors," - Trolls movie(?)

"It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, or how you love, it only matters that you love," - John Lennon

"You don't fall in love with the gender, you fall in love with the person," - Unknown

"Burst down those closet doors once and for all and get ready to fight for the freedom of Lgbt," - Harvey Milk(?)

"It's not my appearance that defines me, but my heart and soul," - Unknown

"Being transgender isn't becoming a new person, it's about becoming the person you were meant to be," - Anon on tumblr

"Trans people are exactly who they say they are. No matter what the culture or media leads people to believe," - Unknown

"My birth certificate may say I'm a boy, but it also says I'm 4.7 pounds. Things change over time," - Me

"For the low price of $0.00 you can use someone's correct pronouns!" - Unknown

"Yes, I am single, no I am not available," - Unknown

"Why care what genitals I have if you aren't fucking me?" - Me

"You should never feel ashamed for being aromantic or asexual when someone else likes you," - Me

So sorry for the president one! Please don't create controversy in the comments. If you would like to say your opinions on Obama then go ahead! Just don't argue. If you know any more, or knows who wrote some of these, be sure to let me know!

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