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Comebacks are great. Especially if you use them right.

"Think about the kids!" The kids are gay! (LottieCollier)

"Gay men make me puke." Don't deep throat so far then.

"I support gay marriage, but I wouldn't want to watch it on TV, because then my kids would see it, and I don't want them to be gay or something. Yeah, I totally understand. I hate it when black people are on TV, because I don't want them to be black. Uh.. Black people don't have a choice... Now you know how stupid you sound. (Not meant to be offensive if it sounds that way)

"Gay marriage is wrong." Friend, you're wrong. From now on, It's just 'Marriage'.

"If men and men lay together, and woman and woman lay together, who's going to produce children in this world?!" Hopefully not you.

"You're still not straight I see." Neither are your teeth, but here we are.

"You don't look gay." Sorry let me just change. *Changes into a literal rainbow of a human*

"You're too pretty to be gay..." You're too ugly to be straight.

"All LGBT people are going to HELL!" Gotta go. "Where are you going?" Hell.

"How do you know you're gay if you've never been with someone of the opposite gender?" How do you know you're straight if you've never been with the same gender?

"Go to hell!" Can't. "Why not?!" Restraining order. "Why?" He fears I'll take over hell.

"Gay's are WRONG! It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" I think you need to Adam and Leave.

You're too fashionable to be gay. I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing.

"How are gay people supposed to have kids?! Exactly, they can't. #GoingAgainstGod." Well, there is such thing as adoption, ya know, where you help kids unwanted by straight parents. (Not meant to be offensive if it sounds that way)

"Oh Yeah? Label all of the sexualities and genders with an animal name." Straight people are humans. Gay people are humans. Lesbian people are humans. Demisexual people are humans. Non-binary people are humans. Bisexual people are humans. Transgender people are humans. Pansexual people are humans. Homophobes are monsters. Everyone is equal and deserve love except for homophobes. Bye.

"You aren't gay. It's a phase." *84 years later, and is on deathbed* I need to tell you something... "What... What is it?" *Tears* I'm gay... It wasn't a phase. *Dies*

"You're a sinner! You're making the kids confused!" No. I explained it to a kid and he said, 'That's awesome'. So, you must be saying the kid is smarter than you, in which, I can finally agree with you. Bye.

"Ha! Gay." Mhm, you called?

"Asexuals are so stupid." What, are you afraid we're going to eat too much mac and cheese? Draw too many dinosaurs?? Tell me.

"Us good humans are disgusted by you... things." Uh... ma'am/sir, I do believe it's Homosapiens not Heterosapiens.


And now It's my turn to do a comeback...

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