Ways to come out

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As I've stated before, there are LOTS of ways to come out! Here are some.

Say it

Make a cake - Congrats! I'm Gay!

Make a joke - This water is Crystal Queer, just like me!

Make a shirt!

Make a card!

Have a party!

Tell your dog first!

Film it!

Light a candle - Make people guess what you have in common, then tell them you're both "FLAMING HOMOSEXUALS"!

Make a poem! - Roses are red, Violets are blue, this poem is gay, I am too!

Be yourself! - On halloween, go as yourself, when people ask what you are, say, "I'm straight."

Make a build-a-bear! - Make a build a bear and record your voice saying your sexuallity! Give it to someone!

Pictures! - Take a picture of you and your S/O kissing OR send a picture of someone you like (or multiple ppl, and say, "They're/He/She's cute!"

Make a gif!

Make a meme!

Write a song!

Write a book!

Wear a rainbow scarf!

Wear rainbow clothes!

Tell another joke - Say "Unicorns are gay" or "Rainbows are gay." Then continue to say "Like me"

Teach a pet or baby! - Teach your parrot or baby/sibling to say "Gay" then when they say it in front of someone, say, "Oh. He/she's talking about me."

Draw! - Draw an odd line (Don't make it perfectly straight) then say, "This like isn't straight... Like me."

Game of life! - Play the game of life, then when you have the choice to get a partner, pick the same gender, then tell them your sexuallity.

Another joke! - Wanna hear a joke? I'm straight!

Paint your body your pride colors!

Characters! - Pick a character from a movie or show, and tell the person why you associate with them. Then tell them the characters sexuality (Canon or not; if not then you could make it your sexuality/gender). (Brough to you by stahp_dat_nonsense, thanks so much for the suggestion!)

Please leave more ideas down below!

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