Which Bathroom Do You Use?!

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Imagine this: you're enjoying your vacation when suddenly, someone walks up to you and asks for your pronouns. You tell them, and they ask you, "so... which bathroom do you use?"

And so, the dreaded question has came up. This is a problem trans and nonbinary babs face. Not even them, but sometimes, even cis people. This is less common, but not impossible.

So now you might be asking, "YES! How do I respond?!"

Easy. You tell them which bathroom you're most comfortable with.

If you a FtM trans bab, and you feel most safe and comfortable using the female restroom, then tell them that! And vice versa.

If you're a Nonbinary bab, then use whatever bathroom you feel like using. Alternatively, a lot of rest areas (and some gas stations and stores) have family restrooms. Those are 1 person at a time, but they really work.

But the same rule applies if a family bathroom isn't provided - use whatever bathroom you feel most safe and comfortable with.

Or, my personal favorite, "It doesn't matter which bathroom I use unless you're planning to come with me."

Remember, you are never obligated to tell anyone. That is your personal business and unless you are comfortable with saying, you do not have to speak a word.

In the same aspect, if you aren't comfortable, then try to refrain from using public restrooms.

Just remember, everyone is in there for the same reason as you. They are minding their own, and likely won't pay you any mind, unless you're over the top. Stay on the low, and you'll be a-okay, my friends.

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